1) Some other religion would have taken the place of Christianity, just as other religions filled that role in other parts of the world.
Islam would not have emerged, since it was to a large extent a reaction against both Judaism and Christianity.
Asshole despots would have claimed the Divine Right of Kings anyways.
The Enlightenment might well have occurred years earlier, in the absence of the Inquisition.
2) We'd be free to provide for the poor and crippled via government programs, just like the more enlightened nations do today. The "Moral Majority" would not exist, and all the religious justifications for not providing a comprehensive safety-net would be gone, leaving only naked bigotry and racism as excuses.
Islam would not have emerged, since it was to a large extent a reaction against both Judaism and Christianity.
Asshole despots would have claimed the Divine Right of Kings anyways.
The Enlightenment might well have occurred years earlier, in the absence of the Inquisition.
2) We'd be free to provide for the poor and crippled via government programs, just like the more enlightened nations do today. The "Moral Majority" would not exist, and all the religious justifications for not providing a comprehensive safety-net would be gone, leaving only naked bigotry and racism as excuses.