Your evangelical friend likely assumes that God is infinite, so why would he need proof of energy being infinite if he accepts God as being infinite?
In fact, by assuming the world had to be started by a finite First Cause that likely is infinite itself, they are adding an extra complicated step to explain the existence of the world. Occam's Razor would have you shave off unnecessary leaps in logic. So it's more consistent to assume that this universe in one form another has always existed. It's unnecessary to assume we have to go a step further and complicate matters with a god.
Which is more probable? A complex God that had no creator at all? Or simple stuff existing and natural physical processes causing it to evolve and change into what we have now? I go with the latter.
If you read irreligion by John Allen Paulos he dedicates a chapter to the first cause argument and says what I said, probably better. He also takes apart other common evangelical arguments. Worth a read, and it's short too, so quick read.
In fact, by assuming the world had to be started by a finite First Cause that likely is infinite itself, they are adding an extra complicated step to explain the existence of the world. Occam's Razor would have you shave off unnecessary leaps in logic. So it's more consistent to assume that this universe in one form another has always existed. It's unnecessary to assume we have to go a step further and complicate matters with a god.
Which is more probable? A complex God that had no creator at all? Or simple stuff existing and natural physical processes causing it to evolve and change into what we have now? I go with the latter.
If you read irreligion by John Allen Paulos he dedicates a chapter to the first cause argument and says what I said, probably better. He also takes apart other common evangelical arguments. Worth a read, and it's short too, so quick read.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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