Hi Jenny, I think for guys, getting off the throne would be more readily understood.
Because of the macho, "I did it my way" nonsense that seems endemic to men is not as big a stumbling block to women.
All leaps of faith are based on something.
Nobody jumps for nothing.
I had sufficient input (and motivation) to go, where I didn't (and most people do not) want to go.
Thinking about my post, relaying the first page or two of a long book (for the sake of brevity) and a smidgen of a glimpse of the middle, leaves a lot on the table.
As far as being brainwashed- that is the venue of the System- from which we are spoon-fed lies- in the same way as the Nazis did, only better.
Check a mirror for brainwashing.
Because of the macho, "I did it my way" nonsense that seems endemic to men is not as big a stumbling block to women.
All leaps of faith are based on something.
Nobody jumps for nothing.
I had sufficient input (and motivation) to go, where I didn't (and most people do not) want to go.
Thinking about my post, relaying the first page or two of a long book (for the sake of brevity) and a smidgen of a glimpse of the middle, leaves a lot on the table.
As far as being brainwashed- that is the venue of the System- from which we are spoon-fed lies- in the same way as the Nazis did, only better.
Check a mirror for brainwashing.