The town I live in, in the South of England has a population of 16,000. We have a CofE church and school, a RC church, a Mosque and a small Xtian bookshop. They are mostly empty except at Xmas and Easter it seems. The mosque is used regularly, but we only have a handful of Muslims. I have not met a single religious person since living in the town, except for two young America Mormons doing missionary work in the High Street and they were largely ignored or politely brushed off by people as I observed them for about 45 minutes.
The UK just isn't particularly religious, at least in my environs.
Now, when I lived in Houston! Boy, that's a whole different kettle of fish.
The UK just isn't particularly religious, at least in my environs.
Now, when I lived in Houston! Boy, that's a whole different kettle of fish.