(January 12, 2009 at 4:43 pm)LukeMC Wrote: Gordon Brown and the Queen are sailing in the middle of the ocean and the boat begins to sink. Who is saved?
The country
A friend at school told me that one today so I thought I'd share
And I'd be inclined to agree with Bozo on the subject of royals. They aren't that popular are they? I'm sure most people would like to see the back of them.
Haha! LukeMC like that joke! Thanks for sharing it.
The UK has had to suffer a royal family for so long. It suits those in control to have this mythical family of highest moral values and wisdom for the country as a whole to revere and look up to. It is a great confidence trick, in reality. A whole propaganda machine exists to present this family in the best possible way. I'm not talking about the current lot, it has been this way down the centuries.
The royal family is a bit like religion...it is used as a control mechanism over the populace.
Here we are in the 21st century and we are still " subjects " of the king or queen of our country.
The family is at the top of the class structure of the UK, this is one reason why I want to see the end of it.
Interesting isn't it that when you look to developed countries that formerly had monarchies, they no longer do....wonder why?
I would like to see the British royals offered to the world in a global auction. That would prove how popular they really are, methinks!
Either that....or just chop their heads off like the French did!
A man is born to a virgin mother, lives, dies, comes alive again and then disappears into the clouds to become his Dad. How likely is that?