I don't blame religious people for being religious. Almost all of them were indoctrinated into it at an age when we're programmed by nature (usually) to accept what our parents and elders tell us uncritically. Everybody involved thinks they're doing the right thing. And it's hard to shake what was taught to you that young, and often 'confirmed' by religious experiences. Not to mention, half of them are below average intelligence-wise, and it might be too high an expectation to figure they'll think their way out on their own. There are worse things to be than religious, and at least some of that money and time goes to helping people, so it's not entirely down the drain. I'm pretty sure some people are wired with a predisposition to believe fantastic things, and that's also not their fault.
So I do feel a little sorry for them, the degree of which is relative to how far in they are, but there are plenty of people for whom I feel way more sorry.
So I do feel a little sorry for them, the degree of which is relative to how far in they are, but there are plenty of people for whom I feel way more sorry.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.