Quote:I'm very sorry Solja,, but that is such a profoundly ignorant thing to say that I'm having a hard time believing you're serious.Perhaps not.
Quote:Just in case, a few broad examples just from Christianity:
The Crusades and constant massacre of innocents during each Crusade,beginning with a pogrom killing the local Jews
Firstly the crusades were used by the pope to do his dirty work. If one was to go on a crusade, 'it was get into heaven card'. I Dont really think you can blame Christianity, you can blame a corrupt pope. Killing local Jews was everywhere in Europe, they were an easy scape goat. We still have a scape goat, they are called terroists.
Quote:Over 1000 years of vicious European anti Semitism which made the Nazi holocaust possible and arguably inevitable.Since, I myself am a Jewish Christian. I would of been persecuted as well. (The spanish inquistion was against Judaizers)
Quote:The massacre of the Cathars,which led to centuries of horror under the Inquistion.Religion was used a tool. Pagan Europe and Christian Europe wasnt much different. Instead of druids, they had preists. Instead of gods to pray too, they had saints.
Quote:The murder of heretics by Catholics AND protestants.I am classified as a hereitc so I would of been killed as well.
Quote:The suppression of science by the Church,from Galileo and Gordiano Bruno,to the current lunacy of new earth creationists and resistance to cell stem research. Religion ALWAYS rejects science which conflicts with dogma.The only reason why so many evangelicals believe YEC is because Dawkins and creation scientists say there is a battle, between evolution and creation. That you cant be a Christian and believe in evolution. If Atheists stopped using that card, more people would accept evolution.
Stem cell is a very controversial issue. The church WAS still killing Christians, wasnt it?
Quote:The protection and promotion of slavery in our society as 'the will of God' (justified by the Bible) until the C19thYou do know that Deism was a big thing in the 18th and 19th century? A lot of people were Deists (The founders of the USA were). If my understanding of Deists are correct they dont believe in special revelation from God, thus the Bible is just another holy book. I can gurantee to you that if atheists were back then, they would also of had slaves.
Quote:The gross evil of the Catholic Church and its institutional protection of pedophile priests.Most Christians will agree with you. Remember the majority of Christians have to fall in line what one old man says, blame the pope not Christianity.
The attitude of the Catholic church to birth control, which results in great suffering in millions of people and countless needless deaths due to AIDS..
Quote:-I won't even start on tax rorts or the obscenity of televangelists.
Dont, becuase I agree with you. Any evangalist who goes to a third world only really cares about numbers. They use ignorance to bring the people into their church doors. Its pisses me off, that so many theologians and pastors would prefer quantity over quaility and use ignorance as their main tool for spreading the word (in the west of course). Love for one another should be the only tool of 'evangalism' a Christian uses.
Quote:As I said, it's hard for me to believe your're serious.I think you're a troll.
I am not a troll at all! You place any religion or no religion in medieval Europe and the same thing would of most likely happened.
However, in the East, Chrstianity flourished side by side with Buddhism and was much peaceful than Christianity in Europe. It was Christianity in the East which was the power house of Christianity.
Its ok to have doubt, just dont let that doubt become the answers.
You dont hate God, you hate the church game.
"God is not what you imagine or what you think you understand. If you understand you have failed." Saint Augustine
Your mind works very simply: you are either trying to find out what are God's laws in order to follow them; or you are trying to outsmart Him. -Martin H. Fischer
You dont hate God, you hate the church game.
"God is not what you imagine or what you think you understand. If you understand you have failed." Saint Augustine
Your mind works very simply: you are either trying to find out what are God's laws in order to follow them; or you are trying to outsmart Him. -Martin H. Fischer