(March 2, 2015 at 2:14 pm)YGninja Wrote: The issue with the science conspiracy thing is quite interesting,What we are really talking about is Occam's razor. Everybody agrees that methodological naturalism works most of the time. Occam's razor says lets see if we can make methodological naturalism work before we turn to supernatural explanations. There is no conspiracy.
"Only naturalism exists",
"Life needs a naturalistic explanation",
"The only plausible naturalistic explanation is that somehow tiny molecules came alive and gradually grew more complex",
"Evolution is true because it is the only reasonable explanation",
"Evolution disproves God",
"Only naturalism exists".
(March 2, 2015 at 2:14 pm)YGninja Wrote: The truth is that there is a conspiracy, but its not something im going to labour on because i think most of you have too strong normalcy bias to be able to acknowledge it. Essentially it was catalysed during the enlightenment and has its roots in the ancient mystery schools of Babylon. Who supplied the light for the enlightenment? Lucifer the Light-Bearer, ofcourse. In essence, the science paradigm was born out of Luciferianism, for the purpose of creating atheists, who are in principle indistinguishable from Luciferian, although don't self-acknowledge it.You have mentioned the Lucifer idea in other threads. I don't know what to say.