I can see liking someone's work but the term "fan" to me I don't like. These people are humans with lives and while we might like their public personas unless you know them personally and deal with them on a daily basis like their families and co workers do, all you can do really is say you like their work.
I like most of what Sam Harris has to say about religion, but I am no fan of his Buddhism stuff. I like Bill Maher but he has baggage with vaccines and medicines. Love Neil Tyson's Cosmos. Hitch has been gone a while but love his work although lots of it is wordy. Ayaan Hersi Ali, Dawkins,
BUT the least talked about but I think one of the most important atheist authors is the late Victor Stenger and his books "God The Failed Hypothesis" and "The New Atheism".
I like most of what Sam Harris has to say about religion, but I am no fan of his Buddhism stuff. I like Bill Maher but he has baggage with vaccines and medicines. Love Neil Tyson's Cosmos. Hitch has been gone a while but love his work although lots of it is wordy. Ayaan Hersi Ali, Dawkins,
BUT the least talked about but I think one of the most important atheist authors is the late Victor Stenger and his books "God The Failed Hypothesis" and "The New Atheism".