Well, the more we know the better, but we can't necessarily know everything or even all knowledge available - After the industrial revolution human beings started to pick specializations, and now with the advancement of science and technology, as well as increased complexity of human societies and problems to address, I think we will fracture areas of knowledge (sciences) even more thus making it impossible to possess absolute knowledge or even knowledge about all of the world's sciences. Personally I study law and by consequence I am required to know a significant amount of stuff about politics (because law intersects with governmental institutions), philosophy, history and some literature, as well as minimal ethics and morality knowledge and some economics. Other than that, I learn because I enjoy it, but I don't seek absolute knowledge and I'm a noob on many things - For instance, I don't know much about evolution and I never had biology b sides primary school classes, so it's not my thing, I simply know that evidence for evolution is strong after the basic research I've analysed compared to creationist propositions.
In my opinion, not only is it a fallacy from incredulity but it's intellectually lazy because it begs humans to prematurely answer a question and avoid searching for other possible answer. We can't and will not know everything, but that is not proof for god - In fact, reverse the position - If we don't know much, how can we make such an extraordinary claim like the one that gods do exist?
In my opinion, not only is it a fallacy from incredulity but it's intellectually lazy because it begs humans to prematurely answer a question and avoid searching for other possible answer. We can't and will not know everything, but that is not proof for god - In fact, reverse the position - If we don't know much, how can we make such an extraordinary claim like the one that gods do exist?

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you