Around here, BMWs are expensive, too.... heck, all cars are expensive, compared to our neighbors in Spain.
Maybe it has something to do with taxes.... there's a standard car tax applied to all new cars... which can reach some 3 to 5k€ (I think it depends on engine volume).... and THEN, you get 23% of VAT on top of that!
Same shit happens with gas: there's some 0.50€ of fuel tax added to every Litre and THEN 23% VAT on top!
Then you get the yearly tax related to the emissions. My SEAT Ibiza, 1.2, 3 cyls, from 2009 also goes slightly above the 100g CO2 mark, so I have to cough up 130€ every year.
New, with all taxes in, the car cost 15k€... without taxes, it would have been around 10k€, I checked! Maintenance costs about 200~300€ a year... something tells me that'll hike in a year or so.
My dad's Diesel VW Golf, is right now in the shop, waiting for me to pick it up... at 7 years old, needed 4 new tyres (got a not too bad deal at 100€ each) and it was dripping oil from the turbo... disassemble, check the problem, clean put the new parts in, reassemble.... and the final tally goes up to 1k€... That's expensive for a car that behaves like new.... behaved like new when I left it in the shop... -.-'
Maybe it has something to do with taxes.... there's a standard car tax applied to all new cars... which can reach some 3 to 5k€ (I think it depends on engine volume).... and THEN, you get 23% of VAT on top of that!
Same shit happens with gas: there's some 0.50€ of fuel tax added to every Litre and THEN 23% VAT on top!
Then you get the yearly tax related to the emissions. My SEAT Ibiza, 1.2, 3 cyls, from 2009 also goes slightly above the 100g CO2 mark, so I have to cough up 130€ every year.
New, with all taxes in, the car cost 15k€... without taxes, it would have been around 10k€, I checked! Maintenance costs about 200~300€ a year... something tells me that'll hike in a year or so.
My dad's Diesel VW Golf, is right now in the shop, waiting for me to pick it up... at 7 years old, needed 4 new tyres (got a not too bad deal at 100€ each) and it was dripping oil from the turbo... disassemble, check the problem, clean put the new parts in, reassemble.... and the final tally goes up to 1k€... That's expensive for a car that behaves like new.... behaved like new when I left it in the shop... -.-'