I'm a Christian. I don't even go to church. And I would hope that I'm considered a rather nice fellow by my friends and family. But I do not attribute that to my religion, I attribute that to who I am as a person. I try to be nice to everybody. And I'm just one of millions who do so.
Kindness is not a matter of this belief system or that beleif system, this religion or that religion. It is a matter of personal achievement, and is usually acquired by those who seek it. Yes, there are those within the church who would lie, cheat, and steal. But they do not do so any more than the rest of the population does; we are all guilty of something.
The real conquest is overcoming that guilt and striving to be better. In my own personal experience, church-goers have been pleasant enough people; the chruch I went to as a child was full of kind people.
Kindness is not a matter of this belief system or that beleif system, this religion or that religion. It is a matter of personal achievement, and is usually acquired by those who seek it. Yes, there are those within the church who would lie, cheat, and steal. But they do not do so any more than the rest of the population does; we are all guilty of something.
The real conquest is overcoming that guilt and striving to be better. In my own personal experience, church-goers have been pleasant enough people; the chruch I went to as a child was full of kind people.