(April 20, 2015 at 7:13 pm)Dystopia Wrote: Hmm humans are tribal beings so we're supposed to care about our group. It's how it works.
But there's a difference between caring about one's gender or one's skin color, while pretending to care about all. Egalitarianism is for equality for all regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.
Quote:Really? 58%? So what? Most degrees women pursue are either feminine jobs, less well paid jobs that don't allow leadership positions or degrees where lots of unemployment. To give you an example, in my country there's a LOT (and I mean a lot) of universities for psychology, education/teaching and nursing. Do you wanna guess the percentage of women? Yeah, pretty high. Do you wanna guess the percentage of unemployment for those degrees? Sometimes over 50%. So yeah, it's irrelevant the percentage of people in college without taking into account what degree it is, how much it pays, how much support you get, etc.
And yes, 58%. The degrees that women CHOOSE to pursue are their own problem. There's a ton of whining about women going into STEM fields, yet overwhelmingly, women choose not to pursue those careers and it's always the feminists who are convinced that it's all some grand conspiracy to keep them out. The fact is, they don't, by and large, choose to go into those fields. They do choose to go into lower-paying fields like education and nursing, then you get feminists pretending that because women CHOOSE those fields, that men magically make more and it's some patriarchal bullshit. It isn't. Apparently, the majority of women just don't have any agency if they're not doing what the feminists want them to do.
Quote:Lighter sentences? Already covered that? Child custody and support payments? Most are settled before court with an agreement. And even if you conclude women get child custody more often, facts are that (1) Women work less hours and receive less so it makes sense for women to stay more time with children and for men to pay (2) Gender roles put men as the breadwinners and women as child bearers so it's natural that even the wisest court will be biased in favour of women because they take better care of children
All of which is entire bullshit. It's only been in the past couple of decades that children have been routinely placed with their mothers, fathers almost always got custody back in the 50s and before because they were understood to be better parents and have more financial wherewithal to care for the children. Do some homework.
Quote:I am confused because you mentioned you are a conservative but conservatism is fundamentally incompatible with egalitarianism, so much that it's usually a leftist word to describe utopian ideas. Conservatives believe in helping people, but are not naive to believe everyone will really get the same opportunity.
No, that's ridiculously untrue. But then again, I'm sure you buy into the nonsensical lie that conservatism has anything whatsoever to do with what's happening in the Republican party today too.
Quote:Since we already analysed your case and noticed you need to study a bit of sociology to realize how prejudices, social structures, disadvantages and social inequality works (And hurts people) why should anyone care about your pre-packaged rhetoric that can be found on any MRA rant about how feminism oppresses men?
All of which comes straight from leftist sources. Sorry, not impressed with asshole liberalism.
There is nothing demonstrably true that religion can provide mankind that cannot be achieved as well or better through secular means.
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