Why worry about things you can't control? Fair enough.
Why worry about things you can? Fair enough.
What if you are uncertain whether you can or can't control it though? That's why I worry.
I may be trying and struggling to control something I can't but I wrongly think I can and waste time and effort and make things worse instead of better.
Or I may miss an opportunity because I think I can't control something, or something is not worth controlling, when I either can control it or it is not only controllable definitely worth controlling.
See, that's why I worry. Not because of lack of control, not because of control... but because of uncertainty of control and uncertainty of worthwhileness of control.
That's why I worry.
Why worry about things you can? Fair enough.
What if you are uncertain whether you can or can't control it though? That's why I worry.
I may be trying and struggling to control something I can't but I wrongly think I can and waste time and effort and make things worse instead of better.
Or I may miss an opportunity because I think I can't control something, or something is not worth controlling, when I either can control it or it is not only controllable definitely worth controlling.
See, that's why I worry. Not because of lack of control, not because of control... but because of uncertainty of control and uncertainty of worthwhileness of control.
That's why I worry.