It really doesn't matter the various nuances of theological differences: eternal heaven or hell, purgatory, bodily resurrection, spiritual resurrection, "spiritual body" resurrection, apocatastasis (Origen's get out of hell free card), annihilation in hell or eternal torture, temporary hell, no hell-- mix and match 'em. There's plenty to go around and for religionists to squabble about, as they always have. Whatever. The underlying assumption of all of them is that the continuance of the self is, ultimately, a good thing. Why the hell (pardon the expression!) would I want to live forever? --even in some imagined bliss of whatever sort, I simply wouldn't want it. Even if any of these religions or their various sects were right, I wouldn't want what they are selling.
“Society is not a disease, it is a disaster. What a stupid miracle that one can live in it.” ~ E.M. Cioran