(May 13, 2015 at 9:32 am)Alex K Wrote: I've never watched Dr. Who either (well, half the first episode of the new ones, and I didn't particularly like it). I know what Daleks are though, via pop-cultural osmosis
You should watch the old ones, starting from the beginning. Or just view ones with Tom Baker. You will want to make sure you see some episodes with Leela, starting with The Face of Evil. Leela is a great character. The production values back then were really something. Also, with your background in rocketry, you should have a better appreciation for their depiction of scientific ideas than most people. It might help you in your career to pay attention to their depiction of scientific principles.
Thinking of production values reminds me of Star Trek. The original series, of course. Short skirts, gaudy colors, and styrofoam (or something similar) rocks really help make the show. It is best viewed on BD (Blu-ray), so one can see more detail than they ever intended anyone to see. When I was a child, the silliness bothered me, as I wanted a more serious and reasonable show. Now I can appreciate it for what it is. It would lose something in a remake, and, with the recent movies, one can see this directly.
"A wise man ... proportions his belief to the evidence."
— David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Section X, Part I.