My best friend is atheist (although he has some very vague pantheistic leaning). He believes (or believed?) that the MMR vaccine leads to autism and is super skeptical about water fluoridation.
Regarding the autism thing, he has an autistic daughter and has admitted to me twice that he wants to find someone to blame. As for the water thing, no matter how many holes I poke in articles he sends, I get him to redact that one article, but his take-home message is still that "we need to do more research". No work on how much research will satisfy his skepticism.
Regarding the autism thing, he has an autistic daughter and has admitted to me twice that he wants to find someone to blame. As for the water thing, no matter how many holes I poke in articles he sends, I get him to redact that one article, but his take-home message is still that "we need to do more research". No work on how much research will satisfy his skepticism.