Really, GC, deaths were higher because of two world wars, which were 70 years ago. Since then, war casualties have gone down, life expectancy up, access to clean food/water/shelter way up, literacy and education up, etc.
Today, June 25th, 2015 is the best day this planet has ever seen. And tomorrow will likely be even better. And yes, that's accounting for ISIS, Syria, Ukraine, the shit bowl that is Africa, etc.
You're indoctrinated to see the world as teetering on the brink because Christianity is all about Christ coming back and saving the faithful. Funny thing is, every generation of Christian has believed they were living in the End Times. It hasn't happened yet, obviously, and never will. And while you see doom pulling at the strings of every action the numbers, the facts, tell us this is the safest, most prosperous world we've ever lived in.
And I'll let you in on a secret: I don't care what the scriptures say. At all. They hold literally no value to me. Toilet paper means more to me. I know enough about your religion to see it for the farce it is. I have no desire to pursue it further. Until you can come up with something more compelling than the tired 'personal relationship' crap, I see no reason to take it seriously at all. It's just a series of ridiculous ideas competing against other, similar ridiculous ideas.
Regarding Adam and Eve, it's clear that they had no idea of right and wrong since nothing wrong had ever happened until Eve ate the Fruit. All they had to go on was god telling them not to eat it with no explanation as to why. Adding the two together, it's pretty clear that they were childlike and easily swayed. The metaphor of them being naked and carefree, then shameful upon receiving knowledge and disobeying is pretty clear in its transition. But you strike me as someone who doesn't see the bible as a series of metaphors and parables.
Today, June 25th, 2015 is the best day this planet has ever seen. And tomorrow will likely be even better. And yes, that's accounting for ISIS, Syria, Ukraine, the shit bowl that is Africa, etc.
You're indoctrinated to see the world as teetering on the brink because Christianity is all about Christ coming back and saving the faithful. Funny thing is, every generation of Christian has believed they were living in the End Times. It hasn't happened yet, obviously, and never will. And while you see doom pulling at the strings of every action the numbers, the facts, tell us this is the safest, most prosperous world we've ever lived in.
And I'll let you in on a secret: I don't care what the scriptures say. At all. They hold literally no value to me. Toilet paper means more to me. I know enough about your religion to see it for the farce it is. I have no desire to pursue it further. Until you can come up with something more compelling than the tired 'personal relationship' crap, I see no reason to take it seriously at all. It's just a series of ridiculous ideas competing against other, similar ridiculous ideas.
Regarding Adam and Eve, it's clear that they had no idea of right and wrong since nothing wrong had ever happened until Eve ate the Fruit. All they had to go on was god telling them not to eat it with no explanation as to why. Adding the two together, it's pretty clear that they were childlike and easily swayed. The metaphor of them being naked and carefree, then shameful upon receiving knowledge and disobeying is pretty clear in its transition. But you strike me as someone who doesn't see the bible as a series of metaphors and parables.
"I was thirsty for everything, but blood wasn't my style" - Live, "Voodoo Lady"