General Book Outlines
Book One Title: De Ingenium Humanus (About the Innate Characteristics of Humans)
A. Ethical Categorization and Moral Definition
1. Phenomena (Physical/Ontological)
2. Noumena (Deontological/Teleological/Aisthimalogial)
3. Hypokeimena (Meta-Physical/Poidiological)
4. Perception
5. Cognition
6. Arbitration
7. Ethical Categorization
8. Affirmitive Moral Definitions
9. Negative Moral Definitions
10. Conclusion
B. Ethical Potential and Moral Possibility
C. Ethical Deceit and Moral Deception
1. Explicit Meaning of Expression
2. Implicit Meaning of Expression
3. Purpose of Expression
4. The Explicit Recipient of Expression
5. The Implicit Recipient of Expression
6. The Intent of Expression
7. Ethical Deceit
8. Understanding
9. Effectiveness of Deceit and Deception
10. Moral Deception
11. Truth
12. Honesty
13. Conclusion
D. Ethical Immorality and Moral Unethicality
E. Ethical Man and Moral Women (Negligible under value by procreation and Fallacy of feminism)
1. Current Critique
2. Moral Foundation (Female Dominant)
3. Ethical Manifestation (Male Dominant)
4. Moral Administrators (Moral Instigators; Female)
5. Ethical Administrators (Ethical Enforcers; Male)
F. Glossary
II. Book Two Title: De Iustus Humanus (About the Justice of Humans)
A. Ethical Action and Moral Will
1. How to Argue Abortion
2. Inalienable Rights
3. Just Confinement by the State
4. Individual and the State
5. Ethical Abortion Arguments
6. Explicit Rules of the Moral Will
7. Subjugation of the Free Moral Will
8. Implicit Rules of the Moral Will
9. Moral Arguments against Abortion
10. Ethical Action Vs. Moral Will
11. Conclusion
B. Ethical Compulsion and Moral Conversion
1. The Utilization of Justice
2. Current Views of Justice
3. Rehabilitation = Moral Conversion
4. Ethical Compulsion = Just Retribution
5. Just Retribution or Just Rehabilitation
6. Utility of Ethical Punishment
7. Conclusion
C. Ethical Punishment and Moral Appeasement
1. Cause of Intentions
2. Stimulation of Intentions
3. Moral Appeasement
4. Stimulation of Moral disposition
5. The Conceptual Realization
6. Ethical Punishment or Moral Appeasement
7. Control Implementation
8. Conclusion
D. Ethical Equality and Moral Diversity
E. Ethical Law and Moral Justice (Punishment of good by law)
F. Glossary
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Book One Title: De Ingenium Humanus (About the Innate Characteristics of Humans)
A. Ethical Categorization and Moral Definition
1. Phenomena (Physical/Ontological)
2. Noumena (Deontological/Teleological/Aisthimalogial)
3. Hypokeimena (Meta-Physical/Poidiological)
4. Perception
5. Cognition
6. Arbitration
7. Ethical Categorization
8. Affirmitive Moral Definitions
9. Negative Moral Definitions
10. Conclusion
B. Ethical Potential and Moral Possibility
C. Ethical Deceit and Moral Deception
1. Explicit Meaning of Expression
2. Implicit Meaning of Expression
3. Purpose of Expression
4. The Explicit Recipient of Expression
5. The Implicit Recipient of Expression
6. The Intent of Expression
7. Ethical Deceit
8. Understanding
9. Effectiveness of Deceit and Deception
10. Moral Deception
11. Truth
12. Honesty
13. Conclusion
D. Ethical Immorality and Moral Unethicality
E. Ethical Man and Moral Women (Negligible under value by procreation and Fallacy of feminism)
1. Current Critique
2. Moral Foundation (Female Dominant)
3. Ethical Manifestation (Male Dominant)
4. Moral Administrators (Moral Instigators; Female)
5. Ethical Administrators (Ethical Enforcers; Male)
F. Glossary
II. Book Two Title: De Iustus Humanus (About the Justice of Humans)
A. Ethical Action and Moral Will
1. How to Argue Abortion
2. Inalienable Rights
3. Just Confinement by the State
4. Individual and the State
5. Ethical Abortion Arguments
6. Explicit Rules of the Moral Will
7. Subjugation of the Free Moral Will
8. Implicit Rules of the Moral Will
9. Moral Arguments against Abortion
10. Ethical Action Vs. Moral Will
11. Conclusion
B. Ethical Compulsion and Moral Conversion
1. The Utilization of Justice
2. Current Views of Justice
3. Rehabilitation = Moral Conversion
4. Ethical Compulsion = Just Retribution
5. Just Retribution or Just Rehabilitation
6. Utility of Ethical Punishment
7. Conclusion
C. Ethical Punishment and Moral Appeasement
1. Cause of Intentions
2. Stimulation of Intentions
3. Moral Appeasement
4. Stimulation of Moral disposition
5. The Conceptual Realization
6. Ethical Punishment or Moral Appeasement
7. Control Implementation
8. Conclusion
D. Ethical Equality and Moral Diversity
E. Ethical Law and Moral Justice (Punishment of good by law)
F. Glossary
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