(July 13, 2015 at 7:49 am)ignoramus Wrote: Same reasons Christians do?No it is not about me actually non of my arguments are about me and I consider lots of people are better and have more knowledge than me that's what islam is really about humility not arrogance and you mentioned the afterlife here we muslims never claimed that in after life only muslims will go to heaven that's for allah to decide not us.
They're insecure and they need an extra life!
That's why religios are prepared to twist and contort every aspect of the bible to suit their lifestyle except for the "not negotiable" afterlife bit.
Because without that, there's nothing in it for them. It's all about me! ..........Me Me Me! It's just the selfish ape instincts at work, unfortunately.
For the part of insecurity that's nonsense and not even an argument I can accuse atheists by the same but it is pointless cause anybody with or without beliefs can be a phsyco and insecure it is a disease after all .
As for doing good deeds we never claim that non muslims are bad people anybody can be a good person that what we call in islam fitra that means the way allah has created people to love good and hate the bad .
Saying that you have to admit that relegions in general and islam in particular had promoted that concept or I must say you know nothing about history.