Hi! Stumbled upon (without the aid of stumbleupon) this forum while googling. Found the thread discussing the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosphy article atheism and agnosticism. Spent the rest of the night reading this, and decided to join.
I'm 42. Married, three kids. I have never held a belief in god, gods, supernatural phenomenon, etc... Although my parents sent me to church for a year or so when I was 11 or 12, I think it was mostly because a bus would come and get my brother and I out of the house for four hours on Sunday. At that age though, I didn't question it and tried to do these things they told me to. The things the church tried to teach me never made sense, and my parents didn't talk to me about it, so I quickly became disillusioned with religion and reverted to atheism. Perhaps if my parents put more effort into my indoctrination things would be different and I wouldn't be here.
So, that's it - looking forward to participating in the discussions.
I'm 42. Married, three kids. I have never held a belief in god, gods, supernatural phenomenon, etc... Although my parents sent me to church for a year or so when I was 11 or 12, I think it was mostly because a bus would come and get my brother and I out of the house for four hours on Sunday. At that age though, I didn't question it and tried to do these things they told me to. The things the church tried to teach me never made sense, and my parents didn't talk to me about it, so I quickly became disillusioned with religion and reverted to atheism. Perhaps if my parents put more effort into my indoctrination things would be different and I wouldn't be here.
So, that's it - looking forward to participating in the discussions.