RE: Did we really land on the moon in '69?
July 17, 2009 at 7:57 pm
Quote:Oh, you want unfounded speculation? In that case, I would say that math has been around for a long time and we can do very complicated calculations on paper so...
RE :Complicated calculations:
Back in the dark ages,less than a decade before the lunar landings, I was still at school. We were not allowed to use SLIDE RULES in every day work nor in exams.It was considered cheating.
Unlike half educated dolts like me, mathematicians do not require computers to think for them,although they use them.
The argument that the math is too complex is one of THE classic arguments used by conspiracy theorists; argument from personal incredulity; IE "I lack the knowledge, wit or intellect to understand and am unable to grasp the notion of Occam's Razor',so it didn't happen." A nice case of paranoia is also an advantage.
It begins to get really tedious after reading a few dozen.The grand daddy of conspiracy theories is that of Jewish world domination,beloved of The Nazis,Henry Ford and other fascists.There was the Kennedy assassinations, God is an Alien,the Fremasons,the Illuminati and The New World Order,and of course an entire industry on the conspiracies of the Catholic church. (OK,some of those involving the Church may be true,those bastards are really slimy)
There was a quite entertaining film about a faked Mars landing called "Capricorn One". (1978) It's worth a glance.