God is very gracious, and will often answer a prayer for proof of his existance if we are genuine in wanting to know how we should live our lives. That said I don't believe God does, or has to answer ever request we make. I have found out from my personal walk with God that he answers some of my prayers very very clearly so I can not doubt the answer has come from God. Other times I will try the same prayer and nothing will happen. As an example the first person I prayed for for healing was healed instantly, and spread the story widely, but many other people I have prayed for have not been healed instantly. Many times God has spoken to me, one time he showed me a person I could marry, and it turned out great we got married. Other times he has revealed to me future events. God does many things for a Christian. But what I am proposing on this post is to offer prayer for any request that you may have. You are as important to God as any of his children, and I can't see why he would not work on your behalf. I am not going to set down any rules for things you can and can't ask, but one thing I will say in advance regarding my experiences, I have had God speak to me in the past but I can't at this point in my life distinguish his voice well enough for you to ask me to get a message from God for you. But if you have any needs, any desires that are unfulfilled feel free to ask. You may also ask for proof from God I don't mind this, but I am not sure how to go about it. One thing that I will say in advance is God does not answer every prayer, even though to the natural mind the answer would be good. There are many things God has not answered for me even though they are good prayers. Just be open minded. Ask what ever you want but don't lock God out if you don't get the answer. So you get some idea of the prayers God has answered for me in the past read http://www.futureandahope.net
God is very gracious, and will often answer a prayer for proof of his existance if we are genuine in wanting to know how we should live our lives. That said I don't believe God does, or has to answer ever request we make. I have found out from my personal walk with God that he answers some of my prayers very very clearly so I can not doubt the answer has come from God. Other times I will try the same prayer and nothing will happen. As an example the first person I prayed for for healing was healed instantly, and spread the story widely, but many other people I have prayed for have not been healed instantly. Many times God has spoken to me, one time he showed me a person I could marry, and it turned out great we got married. Other times he has revealed to me future events. God does many things for a Christian. But what I am proposing on this post is to offer prayer for any request that you may have. You are as important to God as any of his children, and I can't see why he would not work on your behalf. I am not going to set down any rules for things you can and can't ask, but one thing I will say in advance regarding my experiences, I have had God speak to me in the past but I can't at this point in my life distinguish his voice well enough for you to ask me to get a message from God for you. But if you have any needs, any desires that are unfulfilled feel free to ask. You may also ask for proof from God I don't mind this, but I am not sure how to go about it. One thing that I will say in advance is God does not answer every prayer, even though to the natural mind the answer would be good. There are many things God has not answered for me even though they are good prayers. Just be open minded. Ask what ever you want but don't lock God out if you don't get the answer. So you get some idea of the prayers God has answered for me in the past read http://www.futureandahope.net
Hey I love God he is awsome.