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"The bible test" Answered.
"The bible test" Answered.
The 'bible test.' http://ffrf.org/legacy/quiz/bquiz.php as per the other two threads on this subject.

1. What is the last of the Ten Commandments?
“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”

2. What is the penalty for working on the Sabbath?
The penality for Breaking Any of the commandments was death. That was why Christ died on the cross. The 'good moral people' who wrote this test look deceive by isolating one commandment over the others.

3. What is God's name?
trick question. God does not have just one name as the question implies.
These are the formal names of God and their meanings.

4. How should parents treat a stubborn and rebellious son?
This question is also misleading. Because the answer it provides questions for was meant to only be answered from an Old testament Jewish perspective. Christians are to let their 'rebellious sons' leave as per the parable of the prodigal son Jesus himself told.

5. What happens if you are not a virgin on your wedding night?
again trick question. no one in the Old Testament nor the New testament HAD to be a virgin. There are many examples of people marrying without consenquence that were not virgins. This question leads one to believe one Had to be a virgin. This was not true unless (in the OT) one claimes to be or was repersented as a virgin.

6. What does the bible say about witches?
another trick question. This question is framed in such away as to mean there is only one answer.
Jews were commanded to not allow a witch to live. In Christianity there are examples of 'witches/sorcers' were converted to the faith

7. Which of these foods does the bible expressly permit you to eat?
This question narrows the field to only allow for locus to be permitted as food. when in truth any animal who grazed was acceptiable food while scavengers (pigs and shell fish) were forbidden. Without refrigeration these 'meats' spoil 3 times faster and are exposed/lthe animal ive in disease, filth, rot and death. Where animals who's primary food was green grass tended to be cleaner, and safer for the community.

8. When the Israelites conquered the Midianites, what part of the spoils of war was given to the priest as "the Lord's tribute"?
God took .02% of the 16,000 virgins left of the Midianites. One should ask what does it mean to be 'the lord's tribute?' The christian version would be to make them nuns, who cared for the tabnerical and helped the temple priests care for the people.

9. What is the origin of the "mighty men" giants known as nephilim?
this one they got completely wrong.
They were a cross breed from demons/fallen angels (who else was on earth besides man and woman?) 'sons of God and daughters of men.' This is mess was what was targeted in the Great flood.

10. What happened to Korah and his family, Israelites who thought they could deal directly with God without a human intermediary?
This question is also very misleading.
The earth opened up and swallowed them, but the reason why was not for the one stated. They tried to take over and push moses out/start a civil war. read Numbers 16

11. According to the bible, who created evil?
If God created everything then evil would be included.

Sin= anything not in the expressed will of God.
Evil= a strong desire or willful act to intentionally be outside of God's expressed will.

In away Evil is the proof of freewill. For if God's will for us is in His expressed will, and we have the ablity to willfully be outside it, that means we have a 'will' independant of God's own will for us.

Now ask, who has provided attonement for evil?

12. According to the bible, what is God not able to do?
The bible does not say God is not able to do anything. This question refers to when God was with Juda, and when juda's army was defeated by an army equiped with 'charriots of iron.' What the question writer does not seem to comperhend was what was going on through out the book of 'Judges.' (this story takes place in judges one.) God uses 'judges' or armies, or nations to defeat kill capture and otherwise punish the jews who have turned from God, and started worshiping other gods, or breaking other commands in all manner of different ways. The books of judges chronical a pattern of sin by the jews, punishment from God, repentance by the jews deliverence from their captors, and with in a generation or two the cycle starts again.. Judges 1 (where this story is found) tells of the beginning of the first fall.

13. According to the bible, where does God live?
This question is also misleading. God is everywhere, and therfore 'lives' everywhere. Heaven (the city that God builds After the events of revelation) is the final place, but from the beginning of time to now i can think of 1/2 a dozen places the bible mentions God has lived/lives. This question as stated if answered pushes someone to believe God only resides in one place, which is completely false.

14. According to biblical biology, what is a bat?
According to a language that had no word nor genus/species form of classification It lables a bat as a( עוֹף /`owph )which means a flying creature. http://www.blbclassic.org/lang/lexicon/l...5775&t=KJV

So how does this question fail? It assumes you all are to stupid to understand that the bible was not written in english, and that you will not or can not understand the difference between a literal translation, and a contextual translation. That the KJV is a literal translation and simply lumps bats in with a list of other 'flying creatures.'

15. According to biblical anatomy, where does thinking happen?
this one flat out misrepersents genesis 6
"Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."

16. How did Gideon demonstrate his family values?
'Family values' was not a precept then. what kind of person judges a man who lived in the past by laws that did not exist then? a dishonest man looking to stack the deck in his favor.

17. After Jephthah was victorious in battle, what sacrifice did he burn on the altar, as he had vowed to the Lord?
Judges 11 does not say what he did, just that he carried out his vow.

18. What price did David pay King Saul for his first wife?
this one is a little bit raceist/elietist. It implies 'we' are better because 'we' do not share the same customs.

19. How many sexual partners did King Solomon have?
again how can you judge a man by an non existant law? To super-impose your 'morality' on to life as it was 3000 years ago is just proud foolishness.

20. What happened to 42 little children who teased God's prophet Elisha for being bald and he cursed them in the name of the Lord?

again here the question writters are playing with the translations to change the meaning of the passage. the words in question are:
קָטָן qatan http://www.blbclassic.org/lang/lexicon/l...6996&t=KJV
Which can mean small, insignificant young, or unimportant
נַעַר na`ar http://www.blbclassic.org/Bible.cfm?b=2K...JV#conc/23
which can mean Children, but can also mean:
a boy, lad, servant, youth, retainer, servant.

21. What reason did God give for tormenting Job?
None of the above answers were correct. Job was not given a reason.

22.According to the bible, what does Satan look like?

None of the above. Revelations 12 says there was a 'great sign' that of a dragon and goes on to describe answer b.
a 'great sign' is not a physical description. a Great sign points to symbology, or hidden meaning behind description. Which means what follows is not a physical description.

23. How does the biblical god treat haughty women?
Misleading question as there are several examples. In Christianity Meekness and humility is the cure for haughtness and pride in men and in women alike. If you were an old testament jew the treatment would be different. But, that's the thing the test gives do not mention. there haven't been any OT jews for over 2000 years.

24. In dollars (shekels), how much is a woman worth?
again when? Another misleading question. Jesus/God the Son was sold for 30 shekels of silver and put to death, while Herod's daughter was offered 1/2 of all of herods kingdom for something as trivial as a dance in Mark 6. The makes her net worth far above and beyond that of Jesus. another trick question.

25. What happens if a man rapes an engaged virgin in the city, and no one hears anything?
another misleading question. What is the time frame? The results are different for the Christian and the OT Jew.

26. What is the Mosaic Law punishment for being handicapped?
slick ploy. By denoting 'mosaic law' in this question is makes the others based in 'mosaic law' but not identified as mosaic law, as applicable to the Christian...
And yet they still manage to misdirect. There is no Hebrew word for Handicap in that time period. One was either considered clean or unclean. anyone considered 'unclean' could not worship in the temple.
some of the people we currently would consider 'handicap' would be considered unclean, but not all.

27. According to the bible, when may a husband have sex with his wife?
Paul says we should not deny ourselves to one another, unless we both agree to over come a given obstical first.

The correct answer is none of the above.

28. How should you feel when you dash babies against the rocks?
as happy as you felt when a woman's right to choose was established and supported by the state.

29. How many human generations were there before Jesus?
of who/what?

30. What Christmas tradition is expressly forbidden in the bible?
none of the above are forbidden.

Fore Paul tells us let no one tell use how when or what we use in worship.

31. According to Jesus, what must you do to have eternal life?
none of the above.
john 3:16 Jesus says: Fore God so loved the world that He gave his only son, that whomever believes in Him shall not perrish BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.

32. According to Jesus, how should Christian disciples treat their parents?
none of the above.

Jesus told a pledge/ a wantobe a disciple --"Let the dead bury the dead"-- The rest of answer 'd' was made up by a self righteous heart.

33. According to Jesus, how should slaves be treated?
none of the above.

Jesus repeatedly says there is no difference between free or slave in the eyes of God and that we should treat EVERYONE the way we wish to be treated.

34. What did Jesus say about peace?
none of the above. Jesus said mat 10: 34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’[e] 37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.

35. Which one of these phrases did Jesus not say about witnessing?
Jesus says many things about witnessing. He mentions as he quotes OT law, He teaches about it and He uses the word to describe a testamony. The question does not frame the answers in the correct context allowing the creation of a false dichotomy.

36. What personal sacrifice for "the kingdom of heaven" was Jesus talking about when he told his disciples, "He that is able to receive it, let him receive it"?
as the question reads, and the conclusion it provides none of the above.
Mark 9 says if an eye causes you to sin pluck it out for it is better to enter heave with just one eye...

37. According to New Testament medical advice, what should you do if you are sick?
Big Grin seriously? Luke was a doctor, his profession was not condemned. which means the bible has nothing against people seeing doctors.

38. What does Paul prohibit a woman from wearing in church?
anything that draws attention to herself.

39. According to Paul, what is the role of women in the church?
This is the first actual question that can be answered with out special note.

40. What does Paul say about marriage?
If you can remain single then do so, but if you can't then marry.

41. Paul forbids divorce, but Jesus allows it under one circumstance. What is that circumstance?
Paul does not forbid divorce. Jesus allows divorice if one is not faithful to the marriage vows.

1cor 7: 15 But if the unbeliever wants a divorce, let it take place. In these circumstances the brother or sister in Christ is not bound. God has called you in peace (paul's words)

42. What group of people will make it into the heavenly choir?just a bad question.
a 'heavenly choir' is not mentioned in the New King James bible.(nor KJV, NIV, ERV)

43. Which one of these words is in the bible?
None of the above. the bible was not written in english

44. Where does the bible say that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights?
That is a phrase from the declaration of independance, and by men it meant only white male land owners.. Just ask Jefferson's slaves. (while free-er than most they were still slaves)

45. Should Christians allow nonbelievers into their homes?
Yes. As first century churches were conducted in homes so any potential 'new believer' would need to be first welcomed as an unbeliever.

46. Should Christian men kiss each other?
2000 years ago it was a formal greeting like a handshake. Even now this act is practice in that region.

47. Should Christians always give what they have to anyone who asks for it? No. we are to look and assess need and fill needs. If that means to go well beyond what is asked then the person in need should not have to ask. If that mean to give something other than what is needed then we are expected to do that as well. That is why Christ said if a man asks you to walk a mile go two or if he asks for a cloak be prepared to give him your tunic as well.

48. Do the Ten Commandments prohibit incest or rape?
yes. You shall not commit adultry. Which means you are not to have sex with anyone other than your wife. You can not marry your mother sister brother or father.

49. If you lose a lawsuit, should you pay exactly what the court decides?
Christians are commanded to avoid law suits. Anything else would be a command to an OT jew which have been gone for 2000 years.

50. Can Christians ask their boss for a raise?
yes, but a slave can not.

I hope you can see the lenths and misdirection this test had to go to inorder to frame the bible and Christianity in the light you all have been basking in.

This is a shameful way to do to try and discredit what someone believes. It is lazy, 'immoral' and intelectually dishonest. If the bible is truly so unstable then why not just show it's faults where they truly are? what does it say about the effort it took to present the bible this way? what does it say about the willful ignorance or even obstinance to take something like this test to heart?

now that you know the truth I trust you will be willing to share the 'answers' to this 'test' as willingly as you were ready to share the test itself.
RE: "The bible test" Answered.
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"Never trust a fox. Looks like a dog, behaves like a cat."
~ Erin Hunter
RE: "The bible test" Answered.
How do I give negative kudos?
RE: "The bible test" Answered.
The tenor of your answers leads to a very simple question: if so much of the Bible addresses right and wrong in a way that is not applicable to the modern world, what's the point of looking to it for guidance in matters of right and wrong?

Your answers have clearly demonstrated that looking to the Bible for worthwhile guidance is about as useful as reading the manual for an Apple II to fix problems you're having with your iPad.
RE: "The bible test" Answered.
(December 4, 2013 at 7:41 pm)Ryantology Wrote: The tenor of your answers leads to a very simple question: if so much of the Bible addresses right and wrong in a way that is not applicable to the modern world, what's the point of looking to it for guidance in matters of right and wrong?

Your answers have clearly demonstrated that looking to the Bible for worthwhile guidance is about as useful as reading the manual for an Apple II to fix problems you're having with your iPad.

And also...fuck Apple.
RE: "The bible test" Answered.
Once again you have shown that an apologist will invent any shit that pops into his head...declare his bible saved and pat himself on the back.

What you need is a swift kick in the ass, drippy.
RE: "The bible test" Answered.
Wow. I thought it wasn't possible to care even less for "the bible test" than I did until Drich's pompousness joined the conversation.

We need a "didn't give enough of a shit to read" button.
Even if the open windows of science at first make us shiver after the cozy indoor warmth of traditional humanizing myths, in the end the fresh air brings vigor, and the great spaces have a splendor of their own - Bertrand Russell
RE: "The bible test" Answered.
(December 4, 2013 at 7:41 pm)Ryantology Wrote: The tenor of your answers leads to a very simple question: if so much of the Bible addresses right and wrong in a way that is not applicable to the modern world, what's the point of looking to it for guidance in matters of right and wrong?

And another: Drich accepts that there was a time when his god ordered all these bad things to occur, and he also seems to implicitly accept that those things are bad, given that he retreats from each and every questionable thing at the speed of lazy apologetics... and yet he still considers his god a: moral (edit: sorry, make that "righteous," since I don't want to waste a post having to ask the question again when Drich comes back and smugly tells us that god is righteous and not moral Rolleyes ), and b: inerrant.

My question to him is twofold: would he accept this line of reasoning, where atrocities where commanded and commended by the thousands and then redacted later, from anyone else, if not, why does god get a free pass? And secondly, does he then admit that his god was wrong to order those things to begin with?
"YOU take the hard look in the mirror. You are everything that is wrong with this world. The only thing important to you, is you." - ronedee

Want to see more of my writing? Check out my (safe for work!) site, Unprotected Sects!
RE: "The bible test" Answered.
I haven't bothered with that test, and I won't bother with your replies to it. I didn't knew of it untill you mentioned it, Drich.
RE: "The bible test" Answered.
[Image: jaime-didnt-read-lol.gif]

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