You have not activated your PM. Otherwise I would not have started this thread.
Ok, I have said it a couple of times, but since threads can get long people do not always read every post. This is serious advice, outside any issues on this board. This is strictly coming from a life perspective from one human to another.
You are young. You are also full of idealism energy and hormones. That is in all youth and without positive ways to expend that energy, you can needlessly set your self up for disappointment. I know I did that myself. I wanted everyone to like me. I threw myself at girls who wanted nothing to do with me. I tried way too hard to fit in. I let far too many people get under my skin. As a result, I caused myself lots of needless pain and did things that were destructive as a result.
My parents were strict teachers and feed me a script of "be a man" "boys don't cry", and I didn't learn until much later as an adult that I could only be me, not what my parents or the kids on my block or anyone wanted me to be.
The only thing any of us should do growing up is be yourself, keep your nose clean, get an education, and don't let other's baggage become yours. If you spend all your time letting anyone, me or anyone, get under your skin, you wont just have problems here, you will take those problems with you to work, and in your personal relationships and family.
I would say this to any teen, not just you. As a society we do not do enough with any teen or young adult, to prepare them, not just on money issues, but emotionally, prepare them for the strife and conflict they will go through, because we all do. No one can avoid problems in their life, big or small, ups and downs always occur.
I really think you need to have some years behind you to understand why we got upset with you. You got sold a script and then when the world didn't follow that script, you got upset. But far too many teens have that happen to them. Not just on religion, but any issue. "Be this" " do that", does not work. You can only be yourself. Once you accept yourself, others wont bother you and you will cope better with differences in the world when you run into them.
It is my honest hope, not just for you, but for all teens and young adults, that they stop buying into images or scripts and simply be happy with yourself first. Of course staying in school and staying out of trouble should go without saying.
I saw the picture of you on the horse. You have a smile on your face. I'd suggest you start a horse club for people your age, or a horse website for people your age. You'd be doing what you love and surround yourself with like minded people. That kind of positive re-enforcement goes a long way for mental stability. Everyone, including me needs some extent of emotional support.
Just find yourself and be yourself, that is my advice.
Ok, I have said it a couple of times, but since threads can get long people do not always read every post. This is serious advice, outside any issues on this board. This is strictly coming from a life perspective from one human to another.
You are young. You are also full of idealism energy and hormones. That is in all youth and without positive ways to expend that energy, you can needlessly set your self up for disappointment. I know I did that myself. I wanted everyone to like me. I threw myself at girls who wanted nothing to do with me. I tried way too hard to fit in. I let far too many people get under my skin. As a result, I caused myself lots of needless pain and did things that were destructive as a result.
My parents were strict teachers and feed me a script of "be a man" "boys don't cry", and I didn't learn until much later as an adult that I could only be me, not what my parents or the kids on my block or anyone wanted me to be.
The only thing any of us should do growing up is be yourself, keep your nose clean, get an education, and don't let other's baggage become yours. If you spend all your time letting anyone, me or anyone, get under your skin, you wont just have problems here, you will take those problems with you to work, and in your personal relationships and family.
I would say this to any teen, not just you. As a society we do not do enough with any teen or young adult, to prepare them, not just on money issues, but emotionally, prepare them for the strife and conflict they will go through, because we all do. No one can avoid problems in their life, big or small, ups and downs always occur.
I really think you need to have some years behind you to understand why we got upset with you. You got sold a script and then when the world didn't follow that script, you got upset. But far too many teens have that happen to them. Not just on religion, but any issue. "Be this" " do that", does not work. You can only be yourself. Once you accept yourself, others wont bother you and you will cope better with differences in the world when you run into them.
It is my honest hope, not just for you, but for all teens and young adults, that they stop buying into images or scripts and simply be happy with yourself first. Of course staying in school and staying out of trouble should go without saying.
I saw the picture of you on the horse. You have a smile on your face. I'd suggest you start a horse club for people your age, or a horse website for people your age. You'd be doing what you love and surround yourself with like minded people. That kind of positive re-enforcement goes a long way for mental stability. Everyone, including me needs some extent of emotional support.
Just find yourself and be yourself, that is my advice.