So I was thinking, as a secular 14 year old attending a shamelessly extremist protestant secondary school in the UK, is it our Political leaders and representatives halting progress of a desired secularism in schools? Of course public opinion is divided however in a 2009 census 50.7% of the British public claimed they were non-religious, this just cracks a majority and of course due to the fact it is only slightly over 50% it may have changed however I'm sure everyone will agree we are no longer a Christian nation as a whole. But that's just the thing, we really are. It's confusing to me how our government refuses to respond to this huge increase in secularism throughout the nation. I first noticed this when in our school Assembly, we were made to sing a hymn (as we are every day), as usual at least 2/3 of the school either did not sing or barely sung at all. Then (as usual) one of our Dep. heads made everyone sing again, he was yet again disappointed and repeated one last time, this time most people sung just to not waste anymore time. I was p-ssed off to say the least. He had wasted our time and forced me to sing hymns that are just bullsh-t to me. I thought that maybe I should write a letter of complaint to the appropriate member of staff about what is obviously disguised mandatory prayer (they usually say we sing because it is 'good for you' which isn't true because we ALWAYS sing hymns.)
To my horror I found that mandatory prayer (which should be a human rights breach) is actually a requirement for those under 16 in schools. We literally are not allowed to opt of without our parents signed permission and even then my school wouldn't listen because they are corrupt as ****. Even you Christians ought to see that this is a complete patronization and a travesty in general... because I'm under 16 I can't make my own choices and my parent chooses what I believe? it's a disgrace. Why is this idiotic law still around? Because it would 'never get past the house of lords.' You want to know why? Because in the H.O.L there is a large group of Lords who have been instated BECAUSE they are bishops (The 'Lords Spiritual', whatever spooky shit that means), and they take complete pride in block voting against everyone's damn rights but white, right wing Christians.
I might as well move to ******* Alabama. Anyways my question is, do you think the UK will ever reform it's biased Christian political agenda, as a theocracy I doubt it will be any time soon. It's things like this that make me want to move East to Sweden or Norway when I'm 18, at least they respect peoples beliefs or lack of beliefs.
Thanks for reading my huge *** rant but I needed to get it off my chest, to name and shame, my school is Emmanuel College in Gateshead NE England. There are some interesting criticisms of it out there to say the least, as well as statements from leading scientific education advisers and Richard Dawkins himself.
To my horror I found that mandatory prayer (which should be a human rights breach) is actually a requirement for those under 16 in schools. We literally are not allowed to opt of without our parents signed permission and even then my school wouldn't listen because they are corrupt as ****. Even you Christians ought to see that this is a complete patronization and a travesty in general... because I'm under 16 I can't make my own choices and my parent chooses what I believe? it's a disgrace. Why is this idiotic law still around? Because it would 'never get past the house of lords.' You want to know why? Because in the H.O.L there is a large group of Lords who have been instated BECAUSE they are bishops (The 'Lords Spiritual', whatever spooky shit that means), and they take complete pride in block voting against everyone's damn rights but white, right wing Christians.
I might as well move to ******* Alabama. Anyways my question is, do you think the UK will ever reform it's biased Christian political agenda, as a theocracy I doubt it will be any time soon. It's things like this that make me want to move East to Sweden or Norway when I'm 18, at least they respect peoples beliefs or lack of beliefs.
Thanks for reading my huge *** rant but I needed to get it off my chest, to name and shame, my school is Emmanuel College in Gateshead NE England. There are some interesting criticisms of it out there to say the least, as well as statements from leading scientific education advisers and Richard Dawkins himself.