I am trying to present some ideas before politicians in the current election in Australia. I got these ideas as I prayed asking God for things to help elevate poverty. I believe they are really good ideas, l but I would like people to help me advocate them before the politicians. I need people to sign an online petition asking for government action to end child prostitution. And also for people to write to the Australian politicians via email asking them to support the ideas as they are recorded on my website at http://www.futureandahope.net/poorhelp.php It is a terrible statistic but there are an estimated 1.2 million children trafficked each year – the majority of them being lured, bribed or forced into the sex-trade. That’s one child every 26 seconds! But we can help. I have included my main ideas off my website below:
Legislate Free advertising for charities in prime time TV
TV broardcasters must display a certain percentage of advertising FREE to charities. As an example two advertisements per night. With regard to FREE TV advertising stations must use 50% of the slots for issues regarding overseas poverty, and the remaining 50% can be used to support any other charities, like cancer, disabled services etc. This plan could also be extended to radio. I suggest two advertisements every night in prime time, one for world wide poverty eleviation one for local charities, this will hardly casue any finanical loss the the station but will bring in 100 of thousands of new compassionate dollars each year, possibly millions.
The second plan is that government schools must introduce lessons about giving and helping others in the school curriculum. Education should not all be about numbers, and letters, it should include things that benefit our world. In schools with Religious education this can be lessons on giving because Jesus talked a lot about the need to help the poor. If schools don't have Religious education they must have lessons on giving, and helping others less fortunate than ourselves.
Airline Travel to and from Charitable Projects a Tax Deduction
One of the major costs to Charities helping with projects in the third world is travel costs from Australia to the country of need. This diverts funding away from the actual need. To allow charities to spend money on needs rather than expenses, it would be good if airlines could offer free seating to charitable workers flying to and from the third world. In response to this generosity the government should make it easier for the airlines by offering a tax deduction to the cost of the ticket. This system will also benifit the airline becasue they can use their unassigned seats to charitable workers. So it will increase profits for airlines becasue their empty seating is generating money. This system will need legislation to protect from excessive and wasteful usage of this system. Not every tax deductable charity will be able to use this scheeme. Charities that can use the scheeme should have stringent guidelines applied to what is and is not an acceptable deduction.
International Action Needed to Stop Child Prostitution
Goverments of countries can not allow the prostitution of minors. If the international community can take action to stop Tyrants, and people who commit genocide, surely in the same way we have an obligation to take diplomatic action to stop child prostitution. We need to act together to end this problem it can not be done as individuals. What I am asking is for action from the international community to stop the root causes of Child Prostitution. I ask that the following two point plan be implemented to stop the prostitution of minors with in our generation.
1. To table a new international law that governs the sexual activity of minors, a law that states that “no person can have sex with a girl or boy under the age of 16”. This law must be upheld by all nations of the world. The only exemptions to this rule are situations where a culture permits marriage at a younger age. Marriage is the only exception to this rule.
2. Once a law has been formulated that protects the rights of young people, nations should take a stand, and peacefully remove children from brothels, and other places of sexual abuse. Because the problem is so widespread money will need to be raised by nations to house and educate the young people who are rescued.
The election is in a few weeks time so we need immediate action please go to http://www.futureandahope.net/poorhelp.php there is a link to the petition under the section on child prostitution.
Also I ask you be passionate, share the link on face book, email it to your friends, and send it to politicians. Also come back and tell me what you are doing to advocate the idea so I can be encouraged.
I am trying to present some ideas before politicians in the current election in Australia. I got these ideas as I prayed asking God for things to help elevate poverty. I believe they are really good ideas, l but I would like people to help me advocate them before the politicians. I need people to sign an online petition asking for government action to end child prostitution. And also for people to write to the Australian politicians via email asking them to support the ideas as they are recorded on my website at http://www.futureandahope.net/poorhelp.php It is a terrible statistic but there are an estimated 1.2 million children trafficked each year – the majority of them being lured, bribed or forced into the sex-trade. That’s one child every 26 seconds! But we can help. I have included my main ideas off my website below:
Legislate Free advertising for charities in prime time TV
TV broardcasters must display a certain percentage of advertising FREE to charities. As an example two advertisements per night. With regard to FREE TV advertising stations must use 50% of the slots for issues regarding overseas poverty, and the remaining 50% can be used to support any other charities, like cancer, disabled services etc. This plan could also be extended to radio. I suggest two advertisements every night in prime time, one for world wide poverty eleviation one for local charities, this will hardly casue any finanical loss the the station but will bring in 100 of thousands of new compassionate dollars each year, possibly millions.
The second plan is that government schools must introduce lessons about giving and helping others in the school curriculum. Education should not all be about numbers, and letters, it should include things that benefit our world. In schools with Religious education this can be lessons on giving because Jesus talked a lot about the need to help the poor. If schools don't have Religious education they must have lessons on giving, and helping others less fortunate than ourselves.
Airline Travel to and from Charitable Projects a Tax Deduction
One of the major costs to Charities helping with projects in the third world is travel costs from Australia to the country of need. This diverts funding away from the actual need. To allow charities to spend money on needs rather than expenses, it would be good if airlines could offer free seating to charitable workers flying to and from the third world. In response to this generosity the government should make it easier for the airlines by offering a tax deduction to the cost of the ticket. This system will also benifit the airline becasue they can use their unassigned seats to charitable workers. So it will increase profits for airlines becasue their empty seating is generating money. This system will need legislation to protect from excessive and wasteful usage of this system. Not every tax deductable charity will be able to use this scheeme. Charities that can use the scheeme should have stringent guidelines applied to what is and is not an acceptable deduction.
International Action Needed to Stop Child Prostitution
Goverments of countries can not allow the prostitution of minors. If the international community can take action to stop Tyrants, and people who commit genocide, surely in the same way we have an obligation to take diplomatic action to stop child prostitution. We need to act together to end this problem it can not be done as individuals. What I am asking is for action from the international community to stop the root causes of Child Prostitution. I ask that the following two point plan be implemented to stop the prostitution of minors with in our generation.
1. To table a new international law that governs the sexual activity of minors, a law that states that “no person can have sex with a girl or boy under the age of 16”. This law must be upheld by all nations of the world. The only exemptions to this rule are situations where a culture permits marriage at a younger age. Marriage is the only exception to this rule.
2. Once a law has been formulated that protects the rights of young people, nations should take a stand, and peacefully remove children from brothels, and other places of sexual abuse. Because the problem is so widespread money will need to be raised by nations to house and educate the young people who are rescued.
The election is in a few weeks time so we need immediate action please go to http://www.futureandahope.net/poorhelp.php there is a link to the petition under the section on child prostitution.
Also I ask you be passionate, share the link on face book, email it to your friends, and send it to politicians. Also come back and tell me what you are doing to advocate the idea so I can be encouraged.
Hey I love God he is awsome.