After everything he's been through (and what TV character has ever had a more brutal ride?), it seems that the cruelest thing the writers could do to Jesse would be to leave him alive to spend years haunted by guilt, loss, and trauma. Somehow, I don't think he makes it. I just hope he gets to kill that "Opie, dead-eyed piece of shit" Todd before he goes.
As for Walter, Vince Gilligan famously said that his goal was to take a Mr. Chips-type character and turn him into Scarface. When I saw that bad-ass piece of military hardware in his trunk, I immediately flashed on the final scene of "Scarface" with Pacino going down in a hail of gunfire. Maybe it's too obvious a reference to use in the show, but it would be a sort of justice for all of the damage Walter has done.
Maybe Walter's ultimate punishment will be to survive his suicide mission only to spend what's left of his life alone and on the run, dying of cancer, unable to make good on any of his hopes of leaving any of the money for the family he destroyed -- a failure that would dwarf his previous failure to cash in on Grey Matter.
As for Walter, Vince Gilligan famously said that his goal was to take a Mr. Chips-type character and turn him into Scarface. When I saw that bad-ass piece of military hardware in his trunk, I immediately flashed on the final scene of "Scarface" with Pacino going down in a hail of gunfire. Maybe it's too obvious a reference to use in the show, but it would be a sort of justice for all of the damage Walter has done.
Maybe Walter's ultimate punishment will be to survive his suicide mission only to spend what's left of his life alone and on the run, dying of cancer, unable to make good on any of his hopes of leaving any of the money for the family he destroyed -- a failure that would dwarf his previous failure to cash in on Grey Matter.