RE: Calling Out Demolition Deniers
October 17, 2013 at 9:53 pm
Nano thermite was found in the area after the event.
Thermite was developed in the late 1800s as an explosive, when mixed with varying degrees of small particles (nano) of aluminum (and or iron / copper I think) it makes a customized high temp detonator / explosive.
The buildings security system was shut down in the weeks prior to the destruction. Months before that, the insurance was upped.
The engineers who designed the buildings described the steel used as like a window screen. Punch a hole in one section and that is all you get. One hole. The towers were designed to take TWO hits from the largest airliner of the day each building.
No building in history that was a steel structure has ever gone down via a fire. The Empire state building was hit in the 40s by a bomber. It was repaired.
Jet fuel is close to kerosene in composition. It burns nowhere close to what is required to melt steel (I am a code welder. I know metal)
I do not believe Muslims were even in the planes, I suspect no pilots were either. Where did Drone tech come from? Were these a pilot run for what we see now?
No jet went down in Penn. When the investigators got there, all they found was a large blast hole. No jet parts, no bodies. They turned and went home.
The cell phone call supposedly from that "plane" was manufactured, cell phones did not work in aircraft, I am told, unless there is an antenna like planes now have. Cell phones work in direct line of sight- just like FM and TV signals. Their broadcast tower antennas are not aimed up.
No jet hit the Pentagon either- same lack of any jet parts or body parts. Both hits were rockets.
I know the plan as described by Albert Pike (Mason) in the mid 1800s was 3 great wars to bring mankind to abhor war so much that a world govt. would be accepted. The last war would be with the Moslems.
The back of the Koran creates terrorists- perfect for the occasion.
That war is what the Arab Spring was all about. Secular dictators were replaced with Islamic terrorist supporters. This was done by U.S. operations. They recently lost Egypt from their grasp,and are trying to blackmail Egypt into re-instating the Muslim terrorist Morsi.
Notice the twin towers were replaced by the ONE tower. A sublime statement of the elete's goal.
Not only did the weapons makers and bankers reap a fantastic harvest of war and profits from 9-11, the goal of war with the entire Islamic world comes closer.
Here is a little bit about the tower- and more (what will the flack over this one look like??)