To think is to imagine. Without the imagination, we would not have most of the techological, scientific, innovative things that we daily depend upon to be there for us.
The imagination is so powerful that it can construct anything. The imagination can conceptualize that which does not exist.
When it comes to the imagination, how does one properly function between its persistent calling and that of the daily mundane trudge through life that we perceive to be reality?
When does imagination end and reality begin? Of course, we already have a perfectly viable universal understanding of that which separates reality from imagination.
It is referred to, in its simplest form, as logic. Reason, if one would.
One can use all the tricks in the book to discount that which is apparently true, but unfortunately logic will always win because logic is veritably grounded in reality.
What we understand as reality can only be that as we understand and perceive it to be. It cannot be something else or something more that is invisible, because to state that there is something for which we cannot currently account is to give summarily over to an overactive imagination.
Reality itself states, through countless centuries of study relating to the natural world around us, that nothing of supernaturla properties exists.
That which was unknown or seemed unnatural could always be explained through natural explanations. That which could not be properly explained, was not given the title of "supernatural" by anyone except those with their overactive imaginations. After all, those who sought answers, rather than already thinking they had the answers, understood that the answer for the time was simply "I don't know."
In a world where we place a great deal of emphasis on the imagination, whereby it catches our interests through the media via books and movies, it is understandable that people are easily confused between fiction and non-fiction.
In a world where the truth is less important than the latest comforting lie that suits the individual, a diet that does not work or a self-help book that does anything except, it is no wonder that people end up confused. After all, it has always been the job of those creating the ideas to place in the minds of others to ensure they end up as confused and as compliant as possible.
Gullibility. It is a big word, and for a reason. Too many people are gulllible to that which they want to believe is true rather than accepting the fact of the truth that they cannot have what they want. They create their own reality rather than accepting reality as it is.
The mind is capable of far more than merely sitting as matter in a vat. The mind creates for most their own reality, and unfortunately for them it is an unreality that they perceive as real.
Religion is one of those unrealities. It is nothing more than the comforting lie man has told himself in order that he can escape the harsh reality of life.
There are many other unrealities man convinces himself are real, for certain, but religion just happens to be the one that is the most detrimental to man's progress as a species.
The species cannot survive when it is reliant upon a comforting lie, because the lie will always prevent the progress that is needed. The religious lie is so clouded in mutterings of live and let live that the dangers of the lie are ignored for the continuance of harm that the lie produces.
The religious lie can only end when man stops making excuses for the that which has only and still only wants to see a world of Stepford Christians than a Universal Diversity.
Thought without limit creates the religious lie that pollutes the mind. Thought without limit can also create the freedom from religion that cleans the mind.
The imagination is so powerful that it can construct anything. The imagination can conceptualize that which does not exist.
When it comes to the imagination, how does one properly function between its persistent calling and that of the daily mundane trudge through life that we perceive to be reality?
When does imagination end and reality begin? Of course, we already have a perfectly viable universal understanding of that which separates reality from imagination.
It is referred to, in its simplest form, as logic. Reason, if one would.
One can use all the tricks in the book to discount that which is apparently true, but unfortunately logic will always win because logic is veritably grounded in reality.
What we understand as reality can only be that as we understand and perceive it to be. It cannot be something else or something more that is invisible, because to state that there is something for which we cannot currently account is to give summarily over to an overactive imagination.
Reality itself states, through countless centuries of study relating to the natural world around us, that nothing of supernaturla properties exists.
That which was unknown or seemed unnatural could always be explained through natural explanations. That which could not be properly explained, was not given the title of "supernatural" by anyone except those with their overactive imaginations. After all, those who sought answers, rather than already thinking they had the answers, understood that the answer for the time was simply "I don't know."
In a world where we place a great deal of emphasis on the imagination, whereby it catches our interests through the media via books and movies, it is understandable that people are easily confused between fiction and non-fiction.
In a world where the truth is less important than the latest comforting lie that suits the individual, a diet that does not work or a self-help book that does anything except, it is no wonder that people end up confused. After all, it has always been the job of those creating the ideas to place in the minds of others to ensure they end up as confused and as compliant as possible.
Gullibility. It is a big word, and for a reason. Too many people are gulllible to that which they want to believe is true rather than accepting the fact of the truth that they cannot have what they want. They create their own reality rather than accepting reality as it is.
The mind is capable of far more than merely sitting as matter in a vat. The mind creates for most their own reality, and unfortunately for them it is an unreality that they perceive as real.
Religion is one of those unrealities. It is nothing more than the comforting lie man has told himself in order that he can escape the harsh reality of life.
There are many other unrealities man convinces himself are real, for certain, but religion just happens to be the one that is the most detrimental to man's progress as a species.
The species cannot survive when it is reliant upon a comforting lie, because the lie will always prevent the progress that is needed. The religious lie is so clouded in mutterings of live and let live that the dangers of the lie are ignored for the continuance of harm that the lie produces.
The religious lie can only end when man stops making excuses for the that which has only and still only wants to see a world of Stepford Christians than a Universal Diversity.
Thought without limit creates the religious lie that pollutes the mind. Thought without limit can also create the freedom from religion that cleans the mind.
"Never trust a fox. Looks like a dog, behaves like a cat."
~ Erin Hunter
~ Erin Hunter