RE: Captian Worf to the bridge...
October 22, 2014 at 9:03 pm
(This post was last modified: October 22, 2014 at 9:18 pm by Drich.)
(October 20, 2014 at 1:44 am)Lemonvariable72 Wrote: I beg to differ, I see his emotionally intensity in the character as man who feels powerful emotions, and yet is doing his best to stay cool and rational.
but is that what you want in the guy who is at the hing point in a time and place that the fate of the alpha quadrant hangs in the balance? The guy has a heard time dealing with emotion, he's a framing hammer not a diplomat. To a framing hammer everything looks like a nail. The powers that be should have divided up responsiablity and had several people to manage different aspects of the dominion, a repersentitive of the United federation of planets, with clearly defined roles for each. Similarly to how the dominion structured their chain of command.
In the Star Trek universe each species represents an over indulged side of humanity. Vulcans logic accedmics and reason, Klingons warrior spirit over indulgence and honor, Romulians evil, deceit treachery, betaziods spiritualism, sensuality, generally hippy crap.
And humanity was the mixing pot where all of the major attributes of the alpha quadrant races came together...
Now again by your own observation take Sysco. He wasn't much of a mixing pot, he was as one sided as a Klingon, but tried to temper control himself... So why not just introduce a character who is already Klingon and able to better illustrate that role... Oh wait they did that and it saved the series from being cancled.
Quote:I don't find Sisko to be much like kirk either. Kirk totally lacks the raw emotion of sisko in that he will to forget about things and move rather quickly, Where as sisko will hang on to it for years.
I wasn't talking Kirk verses SYSCO I was talking shatter verses brooks as actors... His dramatic pauses and calculated frustration ripped me out of the scene and remained me of a soap opera.
I have never seen anyone ever behave that way outside of trich's "stories"
Quote:Not a chance. Worf would do phenomenally as a captain character, but a setting where they are own their facing the unknown (Like TOS) Would be alot better. [
at the time word would have failed with his own ship.. Too much soul searching, trying to restore his family name. Now however well seasoned and thirty years later I think work would kick much ass as a captian.
However work would have made a good commander for the same reason he made a good diplomat in the second half of ds9. Aside from saving the series he was the spice that brought some flavor to the meat a potatoes grinde of bajorean politics and religion. Worf couldn't do it alone though he would have needed a politician to Handel the Kai, and the others who needed to be dealt with a given level of snootyness.
Quote:As for LaForge? Maybe, but you would have be creative as fuck to pull it off.
i through laforge in there because I always liked his character.. I think given sysco's pedagree he could have done a fine job..
I always wanted them to put him in front a bunch a kids and have him read to them for some reason

Quote:Thats a good one. My favorite is the one where sisko dies and jake spends his whole life trying to get him back.
I actually thought that one flew too close to the series finally of TNG, and picard jumping through time..
Temporal episodes are very hit or miss with me.. That one missed. What did you like about the episode?
(October 20, 2014 at 2:52 am)fr0d0 Wrote: There was some good stuff in ds9. Brought out the Ferenghi, then there were the Jem'Hadar and the Founders. I didn't mind Sisco so much, although I found his mannerisms grating sometimes. I don't remember that Kirk episode at all.
Best episode ever!
I wish I could watch it again for the first time.
(October 22, 2014 at 6:08 pm)Beccs Wrote: (October 20, 2014 at 1:44 am)Lemonvariable72 Wrote: I beg to differ, I see his emotionally intensity in the character as man who feels powerful emotions, and yet is doing his best to stay cool and rational. I don't find Sisko to be much like kirk either. Kirk totally lacks the raw emotion of sisko in that he will to forget about things and move rather quickly, Where as sisko will hang on to it for years.
Not a chance. Worf would do phenomenally as a captain character, but a setting where they are own their facing the unknown (Like TOS) Would be alot better. As for LaForge? Maybe, but you would have be creative as fuck to pull it off.
Thats a good one. My favorite is the one where sisko dies and jake spends his whole life trying to get him back.
Trials and Tribbilations and The Visitor respectively.
Both excellent episodes.
As for Sisko: I think the role was played well for someone who had survived Wolf 359 and was struggling to rebuild his life.
When he finally got his hands on the Defiant that added a whole new dimension to the show and the character.
I was disappointed to see how the defiant handled against the Borg in first contact. It owned everything that the delta quadrant threw at it and was reduced to garbage in the first thirty mins of that movie. Captain worf's first command didn't fare so well.