My honest review of Christianity
October 15, 2014 at 11:58 pm
(This post was last modified: October 16, 2014 at 12:22 am by dyresand.)
Being a failed indocrinated child i learned the ins and outs of why people are religious.
it starts at the church any normal sane non delusional person will loose their will of non belief and self worth.
it is because subtle physiological programming the church and preacher are told you are a literal piece of
shit and trash in the eyes of god and you must repent and accept jesus.then they say if you don't you go to hell for an
eternity, but people fail to realize hell is a concept that the church made up when people seen religion for what it truly
is is they drag people back in like have you heard of hell its a place you go to because you aren't coming to
church or doing x or y. now here is the good part now they have you dragged into their "cult". any religion that talks about
eat or drinking the blood of a mythical being is a cult even more christians used to do burnt sacrifices, so there they are
a cult. here is the big part you are put into a room full of delusional people praising a all loving god...wait i mean a
specific all loving god. the music is another part it gets to you emotionally, the people around you are emotional it gets
to you feel the empathic towards the others, then you in turn feel bad. it helped for me i was a apathetic little bastard as a child so
yay me it didn't work. then after your all feeled up emotionally you feel the "holy spirit" chances are you are now
delusional to the people around you as well people praying, crying, singing, and even the heavy base of the organ has
gotten to you. not to worry though there is a way out of it, its called mp3 player and ear buds put on slayer to avoid
all of that. if you choose to continue be aware you either fall into 3 types of people, fundamentalists the worst and most
hated people, young earther (you will be treated like a retard), a good decent person who will lead people to god <- don't do it
dont do it dont do it, if either of these fail you may become a street preacher be aware atheists will and can beat you in
a street debate. the other thing with christianity is that you have to choose the right one WBC west boro baptist church
are the true christians and they follow the bible to the letter, if you are not apathetic enough then go with the other
flavors of christianity. if this bullshit isn't for you go to the library an get a science book. now when you are ready to
learn about jesus and how he died for your sins... no he didn't he died for the Israelites not you in particular also
the guy didn't really exist. so why put your own sins onto a person who didn't exist it seems selfish not owning up to
your god is really an asshole he cannot do one simple thing that we can do as humans he cannot forgive so
he creates his son which is ironically himself to get himself killed to forgive us when a simple i forgive you all of you.
now the parts you wont learn and will be skipped over, slavery, rape, pedophilia, murder, genocide, etc is okay because
god favors evil, which contradictions that he loves good. god is female if i hadn't put much attention into the bible if you
ask me its a female who is on and off her period with mood swings and is gay, wait i didnt talk about that god in the bible
said if you sleep with the same man in the bed its wrong so being gay is a okay
, besides being jealous that god cant do
stuff we can.. serious he can come down in human form and do stuff. alright this is the end fuck it Christianity 0.5/10
the bible 10/10 for when i need to roll a cigaret, need toilet paper, or even need to make fire(irony), also for a good laugh at ancient man and people who believe that the bible is the word of god, and the people who claimed to be christians that never attempted to read it. When you walk out that
church after Sunday service you can do A salvage what braincells you have left and start getting shit in order and forget everything that has happened or b loose the last of it and run down that delusional sunny road then there is option c you get off the road and back to reality. its really your choice.
-brief note.
if you are christian you do realize that the bible was intended for the dumb and illiterate, also the enslaved and also for the rich. it was for people to give up their rational way of thinking and wealth to the church so in turn the church would have power. with that power they did some atrocious acts against their own fellow man. you should be wondering how did christianity spread as the bible said it did with those few people who supposedly existed and knew and seen jesus. have any of you heard never trust anything you always see or read the bible should be a big hint if people are calling it bs. even historians and archeologists agree there could have been someone like jesus but it would have been overly dramatized or that person never existed. you should realize your belief in the non existent god is alright but to say you need a god to have a purpose in life that is really sad you make your own purpose.
your god sucks your bible is well more contradictory since its mostly stolen and has anonymous writers.
-10/10 if you love laughing at religious people
not saying all christians are bad i know a good few ones who even agree that parts of the bible are stolen and admit that their beliefs can be questioned and proven false. at least they are being good honest people so i give them credit.
waiting for the sequel to the new testament and waiting for a religion to pop up around that it wont happen in my life time but oh well.
--ramen, praise the noodle.
it starts at the church any normal sane non delusional person will loose their will of non belief and self worth.
it is because subtle physiological programming the church and preacher are told you are a literal piece of
shit and trash in the eyes of god and you must repent and accept jesus.then they say if you don't you go to hell for an
eternity, but people fail to realize hell is a concept that the church made up when people seen religion for what it truly
is is they drag people back in like have you heard of hell its a place you go to because you aren't coming to
church or doing x or y. now here is the good part now they have you dragged into their "cult". any religion that talks about
eat or drinking the blood of a mythical being is a cult even more christians used to do burnt sacrifices, so there they are
a cult. here is the big part you are put into a room full of delusional people praising a all loving god...wait i mean a
specific all loving god. the music is another part it gets to you emotionally, the people around you are emotional it gets
to you feel the empathic towards the others, then you in turn feel bad. it helped for me i was a apathetic little bastard as a child so
yay me it didn't work. then after your all feeled up emotionally you feel the "holy spirit" chances are you are now
delusional to the people around you as well people praying, crying, singing, and even the heavy base of the organ has
gotten to you. not to worry though there is a way out of it, its called mp3 player and ear buds put on slayer to avoid
all of that. if you choose to continue be aware you either fall into 3 types of people, fundamentalists the worst and most
hated people, young earther (you will be treated like a retard), a good decent person who will lead people to god <- don't do it
dont do it dont do it, if either of these fail you may become a street preacher be aware atheists will and can beat you in
a street debate. the other thing with christianity is that you have to choose the right one WBC west boro baptist church
are the true christians and they follow the bible to the letter, if you are not apathetic enough then go with the other
flavors of christianity. if this bullshit isn't for you go to the library an get a science book. now when you are ready to
learn about jesus and how he died for your sins... no he didn't he died for the Israelites not you in particular also
the guy didn't really exist. so why put your own sins onto a person who didn't exist it seems selfish not owning up to
your god is really an asshole he cannot do one simple thing that we can do as humans he cannot forgive so
he creates his son which is ironically himself to get himself killed to forgive us when a simple i forgive you all of you.
now the parts you wont learn and will be skipped over, slavery, rape, pedophilia, murder, genocide, etc is okay because
god favors evil, which contradictions that he loves good. god is female if i hadn't put much attention into the bible if you
ask me its a female who is on and off her period with mood swings and is gay, wait i didnt talk about that god in the bible
said if you sleep with the same man in the bed its wrong so being gay is a okay

stuff we can.. serious he can come down in human form and do stuff. alright this is the end fuck it Christianity 0.5/10
the bible 10/10 for when i need to roll a cigaret, need toilet paper, or even need to make fire(irony), also for a good laugh at ancient man and people who believe that the bible is the word of god, and the people who claimed to be christians that never attempted to read it. When you walk out that
church after Sunday service you can do A salvage what braincells you have left and start getting shit in order and forget everything that has happened or b loose the last of it and run down that delusional sunny road then there is option c you get off the road and back to reality. its really your choice.
-brief note.
if you are christian you do realize that the bible was intended for the dumb and illiterate, also the enslaved and also for the rich. it was for people to give up their rational way of thinking and wealth to the church so in turn the church would have power. with that power they did some atrocious acts against their own fellow man. you should be wondering how did christianity spread as the bible said it did with those few people who supposedly existed and knew and seen jesus. have any of you heard never trust anything you always see or read the bible should be a big hint if people are calling it bs. even historians and archeologists agree there could have been someone like jesus but it would have been overly dramatized or that person never existed. you should realize your belief in the non existent god is alright but to say you need a god to have a purpose in life that is really sad you make your own purpose.
your god sucks your bible is well more contradictory since its mostly stolen and has anonymous writers.
-10/10 if you love laughing at religious people
not saying all christians are bad i know a good few ones who even agree that parts of the bible are stolen and admit that their beliefs can be questioned and proven false. at least they are being good honest people so i give them credit.
waiting for the sequel to the new testament and waiting for a religion to pop up around that it wont happen in my life time but oh well.
--ramen, praise the noodle.
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