JBrentonK Wrote:Seriously! This thread is really for you atheists out there. If you're unsure about you if you should be an atheist or not this thread is really just for you!
So which is it? For every atheist or just the unsure ones? I'm not unsure at all and there's no "should" about it... atheism isn't a value to choose it is merely a result of my being wholly unconvinced by any notion of a god.
Quote:Atheism is like paganisms christianity.
Eh? Use apostrophes man.
Christianity doesn't exactly belong the paganism. Paganistic practices indeed predate Christianity and Christianity stole a lot of Pagan ideas, but more recently "pagan" is also a synonym for "heathen" or simply means "non-Christian".
Quote: It's just that simple and redundant.
How can atheism be redundant? It's the default position: you're not born believing in any god. And if you are a believer but begin to realize that there really is no evidence then it's theism that becomes consequentially redundant, not atheism.
Quote: If you even consider atheism in your life, I would like to ask you about that too.
No one "considers atheism" they may think about it and judge atheists and they may also lose their faith and become atheists when they realize there really is a total lack of evidence.
Quote: Why ever consider atheism as valued for yourself?
It's not a value, it's merely an absence of belief.
Quote:If "atheism is disbelief in God", paganism is "satanic practice", ---christianity is the belief in God---this ammounts with saying that atheism is like paganisms christianity simply means atheism is not even a mainstream term, it is not a religious view but a negetive one, it should not be in the books, nor should it be taught in schools....
"Atheism" comes from the ancient Greek term "Atheos" which means "without God". It may not be a mainstream term and the term "atheism" to mean "without belief in god(s)" I'm pretty sure predates the term "theism".
Regardless of whether it is a "mainstream term" or or otherwise, that doesn't matter. Your conclusion that it is a "negative one" is a nonsensical conclusion... it is only negative in the sense of "absence" not in the sense of "bad"... there's no point in equivocating, I'll spot it.
Atheism isn't taught in schools.... and the only reason it is necessary in some books is because religion and theism has such a negative impact on the world.
Quote:That much derogitoryness about atheism is recognized by me as a known fact already established.
If an idea is "unpopular" it has no bearing on its truth. Besides, a lot of people are idiots.
Quote: Why have atheism out there in the world anyway?
It's not something one chooses, it's a consequence of realizing that the idea that there are any gods out there is simply ridiculous.
Quote: To simply encourage disbelief in the positions held by the theists.
Atheism has nothing to do with trying to de-convert believers. Some atheists may do that, but some atheists may do any number of things (besides believing in any gods) just like theists.
Quote:There is nothing wrong therefore with the position of the theists, all religion is christianity, and the world goes on like a fart in the wind.
Lol weirdest metaphor for life I've heard in a while!
Theism is almost certainly an incorrect position because there are almost certainly no gods. It is wrong insofar as it is inaccurate. Theism itself is harmless especially if you're including merely deism. Many religions are harmful however.
"All religions are Christianity" is merely a completely false statement, and surely you know that? There are many religions in the world - duh.
Quote:I made a previous thread that stated you must make a choice about what to believe or not to believe.
...and you were simply wrong and myself and many others corrected you on that matter. The truth is neither belief nor disbelief works that way. You're either convinced or you're not. Simple as.
Quote: This is also true!
No it's not and if you comprehended the explanations why it isn't or understood how belief/disbelief works and what it is then you'd realize that.
Quote:At some point in your life you run across God, and must choose something to believe about the feeling inspired in you.
I was never "inspired" by the idea. I have always thought the idea was fucktarded and silly. In fact when I was younger I never thought any adults seriously believed that shit anyway - I thought the Bible was just a load of fables like Aesop's, only far inferior in terms of storytelling. The Biblical stories are absolute fucking shite. Aesop's are awesome however.
I never "run across" "God", there has never been any evidence of him and I didn't choose to disbelieve at all I merely wasn't convinced.
Quote:The only valuable belief is belief in God, although you can make the choice to disbelieve if you like--- that would be rather like accepting that you are a monkeys uncle though--- an "atheist": a purely rationless existant. A hypocritical evil.
Your conclusions come out of absolutely nowhere, they're a lot of absolute shite. Total fucking stinky garbage horseshit.
The only valuable belief is not belief in God and belief in God is completely valueless and at times can be damaging. I can make assertions too! Yay!
Once again: it's not a choice. The "monkey's uncle" analogy makes no sense whatsoever. It's a common example of a valid modus tollens argument used to express surprise. "if X then Y" and "Y" is an utterly ridiculous conclusion, and the point is since Y is truly false then X cannot be true provided that the premise "if X then Y" is also true.
What has that got to do with atheism? Seriously wtf?
Atheism is not without rationality, it's merely the absence of an irrational conclusion, i.e.: Theism.
Atheism is neither hypocritical nor evil, it is nothing but the absence of belief in any gods.
Quote:I just don't get it, maybe someone can enlighten me, but why?
Makes no sense. If you admit you may lack comprehension and you are open to being elucidated and understanding what atheism actually is, why do you then question the rationality of doing so afterwards? It sounds like part of you is quite happy to be in denial and continue to misunderstand atheism.
Quote: on the matter Why even THINK to indulge atheism?
As explained, not a choice.
Quote: What is it that makes you, and so many others, fall into the trap that, supposively by christians standards, makes you go to hell? 
I don't care about the notion that I will go to hell. There's basically zero chance I will and any possible tiny fragment of a chance applies equally to any theist because the biblical idea of a "god" that sends people to hell for not believing is merely one of countless conceivable - I'll send you to hell for "X" reason - gods that can be dreamed up.
P.S. Yes you're a Poe. It's obvious. I respond anyway for fun and to practice arguing against theism again whenever I feel like it. Also I do it to practice making points generally. I hope you respond in a mildly amusing way. So far this OP has been nothing but fucktarded.