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What are the evidence for no god?
RE: What are the evidence for no god?
(October 18, 2015 at 6:30 am)TheRocketSurgeon Wrote:
(October 18, 2015 at 3:24 am)Blondie Wrote: I just don't buy into just what people want to say in order to attempt to explain how we got here and maybe even why we are here.  Theories again are nothing more than educated ideas and thoughts made by different people over time.  Again theories are not science and not exact because it can never be observed.  People can be so erroneous in their guesses to lead everyone astray.  If I am lead astray it will be by Satan himself and not someone with a credential behind their name who says I have to believe this or that because they think it is a fact.  People have gave me more than enough reason not to trust or believe anything they say.  So why should I pay any attention to an educated idiot trying to shove their crap down my throat.  It goes the same with you.  You are tired and wore out by people like me shoving our beliefs down your throat.  If I don't like you do that to me, why would I expect you to be any different?  The same goes for the scientists who says this bull crap.

I am quoting you here, despite having just addressed your attitude toward science, because you are obviously an intelligent and well-read person (given your proper use of the English language, a rarity on the internet in general). 
Are you high?  Tongue
RE: What are the evidence for no god?
Quote:Leprosy which was common in the centuries noted as BC and early AD. People knew that leprosy was contagious so the lepers had to be quarantined so the infection was not spread. Now we know that this was a result of people not bathing regularly.

Wow. Just fucking...wow.

‘I can’t be having with this.’ - Esmeralda Weatherwax
RE: What are the evidence for no god?
(October 18, 2015 at 7:59 am)I_am_not_mafia Wrote:
(October 18, 2015 at 7:48 am)Blondie Wrote: I really thought some people had some actual intelligence on this site for an open discussion. 

You've said this a few times but have not explained why you think that people here are stupid.

(October 18, 2015 at 7:48 am)Blondie Wrote: There are very few well educated atheists

There are many here more educated than you by a long shot. I myself have a BSc, MSc, PhD and two post-docs. I am currently working with biologists and am currently preparing to start a project predicting how flu will evolve. So next time you take your flu jab, be glad that some people do actually understand how evolution works even if you do not.

(October 18, 2015 at 7:48 am)Blondie Wrote: Has most people on this site have been dropped on their heads by their momma?  Can mankind really be this stupid?   Rolleyes


Your poor grammar also throws doubt on the level of education that you claim to have attained. What did you study at university? If you are not mentally retarded then it is most likely that you are a child pretending to be an adult.

I think there is truth to micro-evolution, but not macro-evolution.  I don't take the flu shots or any other shot for that matter.  Tips off to you on your education, but have you ever heard the term educated idiot?  That is what Obama as well as those POS that are in government.  They are nothing, but educated idiots running the country.  I never said that I don't understand how evolution works.  Just because I think it is a farce, does not mean I don't understand it since it is people like you that have forced me to learn it in the school system.  I am not as dumb as you think I am. You may have those degrees, but that does not make you a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon by far.  People like you tend to reject a person with my way of thinking because you choose to buy into propaganda fed to you by humans who were before you.  As far as my poor grammar goes, everyone makes a mistake every now and then including you. People like you want so badly to dismiss someone like me by calling me stupid, dumb, and ignorant.  I know how the the human body works.  So please stop insulting my intelligence.  When people like you stop attacking people with my beliefs, then will you ever gain an ounce of my respect.  Until then, take your degrees and shove them because you are an educated idiot. I went to West Virginia State University and the University of Charleston. They are not top ranking schools, but none the less, educational institutions.  

Educated Idiot
An Educated Idiot is a person that went to college, but is dumber than a rock. The Educated Idiot feels like he/she is smart, but they screw up everything they get involved in. They have a hard time getting dressed, driving a car, or eating. Only the parents are proud of their Educated Idiot children mainly because they themselvs are also Educated Idiots.
That guy at work has a degree but he's not able to do anything. He must be an educated idiot.

(October 18, 2015 at 8:28 am)BrianSoddingBoru4 Wrote:
Quote:Leprosy which was common in the centuries noted as BC and early AD.  People knew that leprosy was contagious so the lepers had to be quarantined so the infection was not spread.  Now we know that this was a result of people not bathing regularly.

Wow.  Just fucking...wow.


Why the tone?  There is no sense in this.  Your the one that is so quick to judge it and dismiss God.

(October 18, 2015 at 7:49 am)TheRocketSurgeon Wrote:
(October 18, 2015 at 7:35 am)Blondie Wrote: Thank you for your compliment.  I don't dismiss science completely.  That would be out of complete ignorance.  Yes science and math have advanced to the way of life that we know it today.  I really do not have a problem with the big bang theory or evolution.  The only thing that I really disagree with on the evolution is that we all started with  a single celled organism that developed into everything we see today and that monkeys and humans come from a common ancestor.  There are some things that are too complex to have a start like that.  However, I do think that creatures, plants, and humans do adapt over time and the survival of the fittest. If you take an albino deer in the wild to live like all of the other deer, then that albino according to the survival of the fittest idea is not going to survive as long as the other deer with the normal colors because the albino is going to be spotted first by the predator in fall, spring, and summer in the places where the climate in the winter allows for snow fall.  Most people have 4 wisdom teeth.  I only had 3 wisdom teeth which means nature must have decided that I only needed 3 for whatever reason. Now if my children have no wisdom teeth than nature decided to rid of wisdom teeth lets say in my line. Natural selection is when there is no longer a need for a certain creature in the earth so it gets rid of that particular species.  I know God can't be proven nor can He be proven to not exist.  One question I do have is why can't God and science go hand in hand?  The creation story in the the Bible only says what He created and when He created it as far as day 1 or 2, etc goes. It never said how long the days were nor does it say how He did it.  Therefore He very well could have created it by what we know as the Big Bang theory or model.  

There is some science in the Bible such as bathing.  Circumcision for a male child is also in there.  I think the Jewish requirement was that the male child had to be 7 days old first.  It was just a custom back than, but today's science have let us know why we are to circumcise the male child, but it is the parents' decision to circumcise or not.  We know by knowledge that it is painful for them later and that the male is more susceptible to germs and infections if not done.

Leprosy which was common in the centuries noted as BC and early AD.  People knew that leprosy was contagious so the lepers had to be quarantined so the infection was not spread.  Now we know that this was a result of people not bathing regularly.  

The Bible is not a scientific book nor was it meant to be, but there are some scientific evidence today as to why they did some things in the early stages of time.

I don't have a problem using the word theory.  Some theories in science have been dismissed while others have been proven and still others need a whole lot more work such as the idea of the macro-evolution.  

It may not be too late to go back to believing.  I have even heard the question asked, "Can you believe in evolution and the God at the same time? " It is up to the individual to decide in my opinion which everyone as one.  Smile

It's no longer a matter of believing in evolution or rejecting faith; it was simply when I caught a church leader making up lies (or repeating them from others) about what science actually says, on the subject of biology, that I realized they may have lied to me about other things, and upon investigation I found a great deal wrong with my own faith-traditions, which I had never truly scrutinized the way we do other claims we stumble upon. Once I did, the traditions of Christianity were damaged beyond repair. It is possible I could one day find a god-concept worthy of belief, but it will most assuredly not be Christianity, or anything similar.

What you call "macro-evolution" is well-proved. The human-ape ancestry question is most heavily proved of all, following the discoveries in 1999 (and afterward, based on that database) Human Genome Project, which is why I pointed you to Dr. Collins' work. The process of adaptation of a population by natural selection to fit its environment is one of the ways in which evolution happens, but it's not all there is. Even your introduction to biology course should have told you that. 

There is zero serious debate over the question of whether we share a common ancestor with the other Great Apes, like chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas. It's in our DNA, specifically in "marker" regions and "scars" on our DNA which only are found in the same place in family lineages that share a common ancestor (say, you and your brother; or you, your brother, and your cousin), and the same markers on our inactive (non-environment-influenced) DNA tell us that we are related to those species by way of a great-great-grandparent roughly 7 million years ago. That's not counting overall similarity of DNA, or similarity of appearance, or any other factor... just the inheritable marker-regions.

And the circumcision thing is on day 8.

Thanks. I will check it out.
RE: What are the evidence for no god?
(October 18, 2015 at 8:30 am)Blondie Wrote: I think there is truth to micro-evolution, but not macro-evolution. 

In which case you believe in evolution. You just don't know that you do.

Evolution is what you call micro-evolution. Changes accumulate. No one claims that large changes take place in one go.

No theist who believes in micro-evolution but not macro-evolution has yet answered this question and far brighter (and more dishonest) minds than yours have tried and failed.

What mechanism is in place to stop small changes from accumulating over many generations?

(October 18, 2015 at 8:30 am)Blondie Wrote: I never said that I don't understand how evolution works.  Just because I think it is a farce, does not mean I don't understand it since it is people like you that have forced me to learn it in the school system.

But you clearly do not understand it. People have told you that you do not understand it, and explained how your understand is lacking, and you still choose to ignore them.


Quote:The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein relatively unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate.

(October 18, 2015 at 8:30 am)Blondie Wrote: I went to West Virginia State University and the University of Charleston.

But for some reason you are refusing to say what you studied. Why is that?
RE: What are the evidence for no god?
I don't know why I'm even bothering, but here's a list of human body parts we no longer need. But they're clear evidence of the body evolving over time.

[Image: Bumper+Sticker+-+Asheville+-+Praise+Dog3.JPG]
RE: What are the evidence for no god?
(October 18, 2015 at 7:35 am)Blondie Wrote: There is some science in the Bible such as bathing.  Circumcision for a male child is also in there.  I think the Jewish requirement was that the male child had to be 7 days old first.  It was just a custom back than, but today's science have let us know why we are to circumcise the male child, but it is the parents' decision to circumcise or not.  We know by knowledge that it is painful for them later and that the male is more susceptible to germs and infections if not done.

Is circumcision necessary?
The use of circumcision for medical or health reasons is an issue that continues to be debated. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) found that the health benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks, but the benefits are not great enough to recommend universalnewborn circumcision. The procedure may be recommended in older boys and men to treat phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) or to treat an infection of the penis.
Parents should talk with their doctor about the benefits and risks of the procedure before making a decision regarding circumcision of a male child. Other factors, such as your culture, religion, and personal preference, will also be involved in your decision.


In short, benefits not good enough to recommend circumcision. And, by the way, that's ignoring the issue of human rights and psychological consequences.
RE: What are the evidence for no god?
(October 18, 2015 at 7:48 am)Blondie Wrote:
(October 18, 2015 at 7:27 am)Pandæmonium Wrote: How many fucking times does it have to be explained to you?

You retarded bro?

I really thought some people had some actual intelligence on this site for an open discussion.  I should have known better than that given the site's name.  People on here are very closed-minded.  You don't want to except that someone has a different opinion than you do so you cast them off as retarded idiots.  There are very few well educated atheists, but others like to chase off anyone who does believe in God, but the same treatment is not given to someone who believes in a freaking spaghetti monster.  Seriously?  Has most people on this site have been dropped on their heads by their momma?  Can mankind really be this stupid?   Rolleyes

Nobody gives a shit what you think, you cunt. ^_^ stick to your fairy tales and childish make believe, reality is clearly too much for you.
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[Image: 146748944129044_zpsomrzyn3d.gif]
RE: What are the evidence for no god?
(October 18, 2015 at 8:47 am)I_am_not_mafia Wrote:
(October 18, 2015 at 8:30 am)Blondie Wrote: I think there is truth to micro-evolution, but not macro-evolution. 

In which case you believe in evolution. You just don't know that you do.

Evolution is what you call micro-evolution. Changes accumulate. No one claims that large changes take place in one go.

No theist who believes in micro-evolution but not macro-evolution has yet answered this question and far brighter (and more dishonest) minds than yours have tried and failed.

What mechanism is in place to stop small changes from accumulating over many generations?

(October 18, 2015 at 8:30 am)Blondie Wrote: I never said that I don't understand how evolution works.  Just because I think it is a farce, does not mean I don't understand it since it is people like you that have forced me to learn it in the school system.

But you clearly do not understand it. People have told you that you do not understand it, and explained how your understand is lacking, and you still choose to ignore them.


Quote:The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein relatively unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate.

(October 18, 2015 at 8:30 am)Blondie Wrote: I went to West Virginia State University and the University of Charleston.

But for some reason you are refusing to say what you studied. Why is that?

Pre-med as a Biology major and chemistry minor.  With this being said, I can't be too stupid.
RE: What are the evidence for no god?
Yeah as if that weren't already obvious. But thanks for clarifying.
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[Image: 146748944129044_zpsomrzyn3d.gif]
RE: What are the evidence for no god?
(October 18, 2015 at 9:42 am)Pandæmonium Wrote:
(October 18, 2015 at 7:48 am)Blondie Wrote: I really thought some people had some actual intelligence on this site for an open discussion.  I should have known better than that given the site's name.  People on here are very closed-minded.  You don't want to except that someone has a different opinion than you do so you cast them off as retarded idiots.  There are very few well educated atheists, but others like to chase off anyone who does believe in God, but the same treatment is not given to someone who believes in a freaking spaghetti monster.  Seriously?  Has most people on this site have been dropped on their heads by their momma?  Can mankind really be this stupid?   Rolleyes

Nobody gives a shit what you think, you cunt. ^_^ stick to your fairy tales and childish make believe, reality is clearly too much for you.

So you have reduced yourself to name calling which proves you to be ignorant as well as close-minded and maybe I will give you the benefit of the doubt as an educated idiot.  My classmates came up with so much better than calling me a cunt.  Really?  Is that the best you got?  Believing in something you can't see seems to be too complicated for you. After all someone believes in the spaghetti monster on here.  As far as fairy tales, etc. goes, that is the only thing you have to say to someone with my beliefs.  That is so original.  Can't you be more creative than that?  Kids today can come up with better lines than you.

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