suspiciously like the old rules.
I vonder vhy, Herr Von Popenfuhrer?
Looks as if you need a crowbar to separate the men from the boys in the Vatican!
I vonder vhy, Herr Von Popenfuhrer?
Quote:VATICAN CITY (AP) - The Vatican issued a revised set of in-house rules Thursday to respond to clerical sex abuse, targeting priests who molest the mentally disabled as well as children and priests who use child pornography, but making few substantive changes to existing practice.
The new rules make no mention of the need for bishops to report clerical sex abuse to police, provide no canonical sanctions for bishops who cover up for abusers and do not include any "one-strike and you're out" policy for pedophile priests as demanded by some victims.
As a result, they failed to satisfy victims' advocates, who said the revised rules amounted to little more than "administrative housekeeping" of existing practice when what was needed were bold new rules threatening bishops who fail to report molester priests.
Looks as if you need a crowbar to separate the men from the boys in the Vatican!