(May 18, 2016 at 1:51 pm)abaris Wrote: Well, the correct answer would be, it's a mix of many contributing factors. Nothing's ever as simple as nailing it to one ground zero. Chavez not playing ball and therefore not being in the West's good graces played a part too. Also that there was a reason for the people to elect Chavez in the first place. A populist is usually elected because the people feel disenfranchised by the powers that be.
There is this real populist guy running for president of a country a few miles north of the pond. Wears a tupee too.
Odd, how alike the extreme left and extreme right become.
As to Venezuela, alot of people filled their pockets out of petrodollars, by selling demagogery. Lel, even Portugal exported computers to them for kids to learn. A deal made by prisioner #44 an ex prime minister that drive us to this situation. If anything I trust the judiciary police from here to get to the bottom of this, despite that idiot's tries to politically influence the justice system. Alot of people lined their pockets out of venezuela.