Jormungandr in the Micheal Cremo lecture he doesn't use his own scientific findings. He has mainly collated many findings from well established archaeologists as the basis of his lecture.
One thing to take into account is that Falun Dafa believes there are multiple dimensions that truly exist with various sentient beings that truly inhabit these realms but in which mankind can not access at this present stage. There are also scientific theories such as M theory and David Bohm's implicate order which stipulate that multiple dimensions are a very real possibility.
To elaborate further here is an excerpt from Zhuan Falun:
"Now, we know that material things are composed of molecules, atoms, and protons at their microscopic level, and you can trace it all the way down. If at each level you’re able to see the plane of that level instead of a single point—if you can see the plane of molecules’ level, the plane of atoms’ level, the plane of protons’ level, the plane of nuclei’s level—you’ll see the forms in which different dimensions exist. All material things, and this includes the human body, they all exist simultaneously with, and are connected to, the dimensional levels of the universe’s dimensions.
In modern physics when they study the microscopic particles of matter, they only study one microscopic particle at a time, and do that through sectional analysis and fission, and they just study its post-fission composition after the nucleus undergoes fission. Now if we had an instrument that could unfold its whole plane and let you see a complete display of all the atomic elements or molecular elements at that level, if you could view that, you would have broken through this dimension and seen the reality of another dimension. Human bodies correspond to external dimensions, and they all have forms of being like that."
This excerpt compares the current Western empirical science with Buddha Law and what Buddha Law is at a fundamental level:
"Today man is merely able to view things in light of current knowledge, with the most noticeable result being that the many rules and axioms defined by the multitude of scientists practically stifle people. Darwin said that man evolved from the ape, and people everywhere believe man did evolve from the ape. Consequently, they have gone about deriving this and that from the theory. Right now, science has discovered certain things that reach far beyond the history of modern civilization, yet people dare not acknowledge such things and instead regard them as impossible, and keep advancing things haphazardly and speaking nonsense. One day there will emerge a science of the human body.
The physics, chemistry, and other scientific disciplines of the future might well be developed on a different basis, one not necessarily altogether that of the West. The axioms set forth by today’s empirical science are quite narrow, and acknowledge only that which is visible and tangible; anything indiscernible to the eye or touch is not acknowledged. Its scientific axioms are not scientific whatsoever, and have completely boxed man in. When a person discovers via scientific means things normally invisible and intangible, is that not science? Should it not be considered science?
A true understanding of matter bears little semblance to that of today’s scientists. When today’s scientists study things such as neutrinos and atoms, they believe it’s not safe, as the particles will give off radiation if not placed in a lead container. This is their perception, based on existing theories that are within their own investigative reach. That’s just the little bit that they can know, however. In reality, all objects are alive. Buddha Shakyamuni said the same. Regardless of which dimension it is, the matter found there exists materially while at the same time being alive. Neutrinos, atoms, gamma rays, and matter at even more minute levels can all be controlled, but one has to reach the requisite level to do so.
The gong (cultivation energy) that we develop through cultivation actually has powerful radiation that the cultivator is fully capable of controlling. Today’s science is exploring how the universe was formed, offering up every which theory and trying to pin down its composition. A higher understanding is that the universe is comprised of time and space. And in fact, at the most fundamental level the universe is comprised of energy. The tinier the substance, the greater its radioactivity, and this is the essence of what happens at the most fundamental level. Today’s scientists wouldn’t go so far as to acknowledge this, for their knowledge is not at that point.
Matter on an extremely microcosmic plane—in a state that is ultra-miniscule—constitutes an original matter that is in fact not alive. It is a form of original matter that can’t be conceived of using a normal human being’s way of thinking. This original matter is terrifying, for any object that fell into it would be dissolved and disintegrated. The original matter, strictly speaking, cannot be called matter. The universe has a special property, called Zhen Shan Ren (truth, compassion, forbearance). Why is it that the minute particles of objects all contain Zhen Shan Ren? As it turns out, Zhen Shan Ren is in fact able to assemble and hold together the most original matter—that most original entity that can’t quite be called matter—and thus assembles and holds together the most original thing, forming the tiniest type of primitive matter.
After forming that, various kinds of extremely tiny particles of matter are assembled based on that, and these tiny particles are in turn regrouped to form the soil, stone, metal, light, and time found in different dimensions—the basic materials of the universe. These further give rise to and produce larger forms of matter, resulting in myriad objects. So, when all things and objects are created from this special property of the universe, they naturally have in them the restraining quality of the Fa of the universe. Thus, all matter has Buddha nature—that is, Zhen Shan Ren, the element that constitutes the universe. And this is Buddha Fa, also known as the Dao.
All things are alive and contain Buddha nature; it is merely that they are susceptible to becoming fatigued. With the exception of the special property, Zhen Shan Ren, any form of derivative matter faces grave danger upon becoming fatigued—i.e., the weathering and decomposing of a material thing. In other words, objects disintegrate. Broadly speaking, when objects disintegrate, it means that the lower levels of the universe deteriorate, that the Fa ceases to function. When the law in people’s hearts stops functioning, human beings turn vile, being no longer bound by moral values. When human morality is maintained at a normal state, the Fa can remain constant and steady; this is feasible as long as the human heart doesn’t turn vile. But failing that, a human being must go through transmigration, and so no matter what he becomes in the cycle of rebirth—be it a plant, an animal, a material object, cement, or sand—whatever it may be, he will still carry with him his karma. And so, looking at it from this perspective, when mankind degenerates, it is not merely human society that is degenerating, but rather, all things. In the Age of Law’s End, Earth, certain dimensions of the universe, flowers, grass, and trees all have karma.
With the existence of transmigration, it is possible that a human being will be born a human in one life and an animal in the next. Transmigration is not in fact limited to reincarnating as one of six categories of lives [as traditionally thought]. The six are merely what Buddha Shakyamuni described. A life may reincarnate as a human being, a celestial being, or an asura demon, just as it may reincarnate as something like a wild animal, a domestic animal, or a material object.
If man’s science is to develop to a certain level, first and foremost the standard for human morality has to rise, lest something like a cosmic war break out. Human beings will never be able to reach the realms of Buddhas through technology.
Why is that? What Buddhas and celestial beings have at their command are sciences and technologies higher than those of mankind. Put another way, if human beings want to aspire to such heights, they cannot do so merely through means of science and technology. If scientific and technological means were in fact capable of such breakthroughs, natural disasters would truly occur. That’s because if human beings were to reach a realm of such heights through technology and gain divine powers of that magnitude, but their minds were still filled with combativeness, greed, sexual desire, various wants, jealousy, and all sorts of attachments, including to fame and gain—if they were to bring attachments of every sort there—chaos would befall the heavens. So that scenario is absolutely not allowed to take place.
The only way for human beings to reach such heights is via cultivation. Only by ridding oneself of attachments and desires through grueling cultivation and by assimilating to the special property of the universe—Zhen Shan Ren—is it possible to reach a level that high. What is science, anyway? What Buddhas and Gods are in command of is the highest science. Their understanding of matter is supreme, and at microcosmic levels they can perceive matter to a certain microcosmic degree, as well as larger forms of matter that exist in the universe.
At present, the way human beings conceptualize it, there’s this material thing here, then there are molecules, and then further down there are atoms, etc… And as for matter that’s higher, they believe that planets are the largest. But planets are not the largest form of matter; there are others even larger. Buddhas are capable of seeing significantly large forms of matter as well as significantly minute ones at the microcosmic level. Even with such abilities, however, Buddhas, including Tathagatas, still cannot see the origin of matter; even Tathagatas cannot see how large the universe ultimately is."