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The end of the world in Quran
RE: The end of the world in Quran
For those kvetching about 'free speech', try to grasp that it doesn't apply here, and why.

Thank you.

‘I can’t be having with this.’ - Esmeralda Weatherwax
RE: The end of the world in Quran
(May 29, 2016 at 6:01 am)Constable Dorfl Wrote:
(May 28, 2016 at 2:26 pm)Christo Wrote: That's their main use, just like the main use for the mind is to think.

Yeah we could do that, but as you can see, this forum is for discussing Islam, not looney tunes.
And how do you know I didn't do an effort? I found  the video, I did came here and posted it. everything I would write in an article is mentioned in the video, the video is even better because it contains images and animations that help clarify everything, one image is worth a thousand words, how about a video!
And if you did see the video (or at least a part of it), and asked a question or criticized something about it (instead of finding poor excuses not to watch it), you would see my effort trying to explain or answering your question.

Everything is in the video, even the intro.
Too bad I am not really a fan of 'rules', know why? because they can be used as an excuse to completely ignore the content of the post, and criticize the poster.
AKA : what you just did now! The only rule is stated by the name of the forum itself, islam, meaning we discuss topics about islam, no matter how they are posted, articles, images, videos...doesn't matter, what the matters is the content, the idea, the point, (that you completely missed).

Should I really answer you? If yes, then one word would be more than enough : prejudgment.
Also, did you see the 'When' in 'When is its arrival?', It clearly tells that only god knows WHEN it comes, and he did not share that with us, but there are other things about the judgment day that God DID share with us in Quran, maybe if you have seen the video first you would clearly see them, instead of jumping into nonsensical conclusions, not just about the video itself, but also about me.
P.S : Your guess IS wrong, the Anti Christ Nor the Mehdi were mentioned in the video, the makers do not believe in those myths, that's one of the reasons they made that video.

Troll. If you cannot respect the rules, what's the point in posting?

Because the rules prevent me from posting, get it now?
I can't post a video explaining an idea or a point, because Jenny says I can't post a video, because Jenny thinks I have to be here for 30 days and post 30 post before I could, Now why would Jenny (or any other 'moderator') think so? Ask them.
We are in the digital age, videos are used today more than anything else to deliver information, so it's not my fault if I use a video, then one the moderators 'censors' it for nonsensical reasons, then I have to break the rules, it's their fault that they decided these rules in the first place, Should I explain it more?
RE: The end of the world in Quran
Wow. Christ'O' to Chris'2'. I find myself utterly stunned that the mods were ever able to see through such a fiendishly clever ploy...

‘I can’t be having with this.’ - Esmeralda Weatherwax
RE: The end of the world in Quran
(May 29, 2016 at 11:48 am)Chris2 Wrote: Because the rules prevent me from posting, get it now?
I can't post a video explaining an idea or a point, because Jenny says I can't post a video, because Jenny thinks I have to be here for 30 days and post 30 post before I could, Now why would Jenny (or any other 'moderator') think so? Ask them.
We are in the digital age, videos are used today more than anything else to deliver information, so it's not my fault if I use a video, then one the moderators 'censors' it for nonsensical reasons, then I have to break the rules, it's their fault that they decided these rules in the first place, Should I explain it more?

If you had actually read the rules- or even my admin notice to you, not Jenny's- before you disagreed with them, you would know that we allow new users to post links and video content so long as they also add their own thoughts and that content is used to stimulate discussion. Just posting "what do you think?" after a link does not constitute this, but if you'd actually put any effort into your post it would probably have been allowed to stay.

But now, I don't expect you'll be around very long. Your breathtaking arrogance- it's our fault for you breaking the rules because any rule you disagree with should be broken because getting what you want countermands all rules, seriously?- will not withstand the banhammer; behave yourself.
"YOU take the hard look in the mirror. You are everything that is wrong with this world. The only thing important to you, is you." - ronedee

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RE: The end of the world in Quran
Has chris3 signed up yet? My popcorn's getting soggy Popcorn
Quote:To know yet to think that one does not know is best; Not to know yet to think that one knows will lead to difficulty.
- Lau Tzu

Join me on atheistforums Slack Cool Shades (pester tibs via pm if you need invite) Tongue

RE: The end of the world in Quran
(May 29, 2016 at 11:02 am)Christo Wrote: Maybe you should start asking why, why are we destined to an end?

Because of the accountansea.
Urbs Antiqua Fuit Studiisque Asperrima Belli

RE: The end of the world in Quran
As a side-note, I will reply to the comments; Brian and the guys, but gotta  comment here.

You; I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Thought you're provide a better example than other Muslims; but you prove to suffer from the "Jihadi keyboard" complex, the complex we call officially: narcissist self-righteous complex.

Quote:It's OK, hope you learned a lesson.

But once again that's only the when we are talking about, God did not tell us when it will happen, but he told us other things about it in the Quran, such as some details of how it begins.

Look..I gave you too much respect; I'm sorry. You're filthier than the respect I gave.
and the bald God you worship -Kayalee- is not just wrong; he has no self respect, playing gymnastics around the verses of the Quran.

Go read my previous comments (and don't play gymnastics around my arguments); answer me: how does the Quran says that nobody knows a thing about when  judgement day would come, but you -and your bald old God:Kayalee- claim you know??

Answer that first, then we talk.

Quit your gymnastics; Muslim wanna-be.

Time to shut up, and listen.
Answer the verses I posted.
Then we talk.

Muslim wanna-be.
Self righteous ignorant lying prick.
RE: The end of the world in Quran
(May 29, 2016 at 11:48 am)Chris2 Wrote:
(May 29, 2016 at 6:01 am)Constable Dorfl Wrote: Troll. If you cannot respect the rules, what's the point in posting?

Because the rules prevent me from posting, get it now?
I can't post a video explaining an idea or a point, because Jenny says I can't post a video, because Jenny thinks I have to be here for 30 days and post 30 post before I could, Now why would Jenny (or any other 'moderator') think so? Ask them.
We are in the digital age, videos are used today more than anything else to deliver information, so it's not my fault if I use a video, then one the moderators 'censors' it for nonsensical reasons, then I have to break the rules, it's their fault that they decided these rules in the first place, Should I explain it more?

Prevent you from posting, my savage brother, because you are a savage disrespectful kind of person.
I wish to see how your Muslim clan would deal with an Atheist guest. 

No. If videos are "so cool", then why didn't Allah reveal the Quran as a DVD or Blue-Ray, maybe HD ?

We are in the digital age, that's why we understood the importance of reading (something your own lord taught you 1400 years ago when he said to Mohammed: READ;  READ IN THE NAME OF YOUR GOD WHO CREATED

God didn't say "Watch DVD MOVIES !"

Don't make a fool out of yourself.

Anyhow, it looks like you're missing a big step in evolution (just like most modern Muslims who are mentally handicapped); learn to READ.

As for rules..Respect them, as long as they aren't hurting you, obeying what God told you:

Sura 60
( 8 )   Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.
( 9 )   Allah only forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion - [forbids] that you make allies of them. And whoever makes allies of them, then it is those who are the wrongdoers.

These atheists took me in, never kicked me out, accepted me when I never found acceptance (despite my strong religious views), their rules protected me, on the other hand, I saw death, rape, torture, racism and all kinds of sins from YOU MUSLIMS.

These athiests taught me valuable lessons. Now I won't follow their religion; if they wanna sacrifice theirselves it would be a waste, but I would try to fight for many of them to believe, they proved they are better people, maybe that's why Allah made their country's step over Muslim's throats?

Yes, Europeans fucked Muslims up.  Wink Actually, something is wrong because you should be on the winning side if you were "aided by God"?

But 400 years of constant defeat, now OUCH ! and today, you'll die from hunger, sickness, temperature and disese if it wasn't for the science of the kuffar and -believe it or not-: THEIR RULES.

I personally believe the Islam -real Islam- provides even a better world. And eleminates the shitty aspects of non-believing cultures -that mass kills and exchange money in "Reba"-. But if you Muslims held the world, all of us would die tomorrow.

You see Syria?

Allah bless. Dear lord bless.
RE: The end of the world in Quran
Don't waste your energy on this person. You've already used up too much. If this person hated rules as much as they claim then they'd probably endorse the teachings of Anton LaVey, as described in the Satanic Bible, who says we should live entirely by impulse and not be afraid to be materialistic. LaVeyan Satanism (Church of Satan) is actually Atheistic, despite the name (and the fact that they have a priesthood). So they should not be confused with people who actually claim to worship the devil.

This person is so inconsistent it's too funny. If you hate rules, does that mean you eat pork and do other Haram things? Come on, at least try to be coherent. We need some order - and I say that as a person who probably has some Anarchist sentiments.

RE: The end of the world in Quran
(May 29, 2016 at 9:50 am)Brian37 Wrote: Oh for Mecca's sake you are soooooo close. Atlas I'm sorry, I have tones of empathy or the fact you want the East to climb out of it's Islamic dark ages. But a label does not make others who share it your "brethren".

I seriously don't even like that when atheists pull that crap either. If you value non violence and you value western pluralism and modern civility, that empathy isn't coming from the Quran, your empathy for your fellow humans is in your genes. 

Muslim, Jew, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and even atheist, do not automatically determine if a human will only do good. Our species ability to be cruel or compassionate are in our evolution, not our labels.
'Brethren' was a big word, wrong one too. No, they aren't even "close" from being my people; I have my way, they have theirs; conflict and hostility arised between us and it cannot be hidden; little by little I have no benefit of a doubt for their savage ignorance.

Something funny, Brian, when the opposing side interacts with you from "the high horse"; as if you're in hell and he's in paradise, as if you're a pathetic demon and he's a heavenly angle. It's a common feature in religious fellas to wear white, grow long beards; they do it for a reason.
Don't worry..I learned better not to pull such crap ever again; should've trusted my hunch from the beginning.

But I still hold to my opinion. Without the Quran, I'm nothing. I'm what I am, because of what Allah showed me and blessed me towards; he showed me this book after I was... well, one of them. Sad sad days.

Quote:Even on a family blood genetic level outside the issue of religion, I don't blindly support my own family members on every issue all the time. I love my adoptive mom, but even she knows what I think of the claim that a magic cracker if she eats it will save her from hell. And while I love my biological family who originally gave me up for adoption, I have cut off my older brother, not because I hate him, but because he was abusive to me and threatened me one too many times. I don't wish him ill but I cannot have that baggage in my life, I have enough of my own problems to deal with.

It's wise to stop seeing your family as a "special case", and start treating them like everybody else. That's fair, and closer than ever to represent real "justice". 
One thing that ruined the Middle East, is too much family love; AKA "Wasta وسايط", the thing is you'll find a certain company: you can't work in it because the  manager doesn't bring anybody but family members; like a big mafia. Even if they suck at the job, they will get employed anyways, while others who have potential, stay unemployed until they forget everything they learned, just because they don't have a wasta واسطة: a family member that would get them into the company.

Hell, even governments; the 2011 january revolution of Egypt, started mainly, because "Mubarak" wanted to give the throne to one of his sons: "Jamal" and "Ala'a",
I'm sorry for that abusive brother. So sorry. I can relate; even though the person came around in my case. I hope he didn't cross the line in the abuse.
Quote:Seriously Atlas, I cant see the logic of clinging to such an old book, especially when you live under threat of others who read that same book to come to very different conclusions. To me, it would be like having more than one kid and allowing them to fight over a bicycle assembly manual to the point of death? Hardly efficient if your goal as an all powerful being is to get everyone on the same page. 

I received a hate message concerning the debate I had in this topic: the person is jealous from my relationship with the members of the forum; he's telling me "you try to show me as a terrorist to win their empathy and look cool in front of them !" 'this is what he said in my words; though.'. Well Brian, that has nothing to do with the Quran, and everything to do with an inferiority complex mixed with a superiority complex, lack of manors that is decorated with a hating mentality that has everything to do with the person himself. He never thought, that maybe his rash actions are what makes him look like a self-righteous extremist?

I gotta say it: in my case I have a verse for every action I do; I don't let jealousy and psychological complexes to control my behavior, I try my best. The Quran is playing a big role in how I interact.  

When somebody is acting in such manor; it has nothing to do with the holy book..
Look at my comment here:
I tried to be as nice as possible..

This is not a Quran-believing fanatic, this is an uneducated prick that has no manors.

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