I am very angry not just at 5 years of Celebrity Despot's demagoguery, but how the economic right and top have dominated our political system, created a gerrymandered map, and sold a bullshit utopia where only the rich know what is the best for the rest of us.
The cycle is repeating again. Reagan started the age of deregulation and "right to fuck the worker" union busting. They created a short term false sense of security of cutting the tax rate, deregulated which caused an artificial economy built on national dept. And since then there have been bubbles every decade leading up to our worst recession since the great depression.
I am really fucking sick of the right and the top selling the same old fucking bullshit. It is not real supply and demand, it is a competition at the top for shareholders, and a dick measuring contest between CEOs. It has done nothing but create a very destructive climate globally and only sucks the money up to the top.
And once again, all week I have been hearing how the Stock Market is hitting a record high. SO THE FUCK WHAT! That is like gambling addict being happy the loan shark gave them more money to blow.
The economic history is in, has been for the past 100 years, and it is absolute BULLSHIT that regulations hurt or that it is ok not to hold the CEOs responsible, like Wells Fargo or Goldman Sachs. If any fucking moron thinks this short term high will last, you DON'T KNOW your economic history and are falling for a bullshit utopia that will set us up for a future bubble.
Artificial wealth is WHY we have inequity in global trade. Allowing 62 families and ALL the world's global rich in all nations, friend and foe alike, is DESTRUCTIVE.
Taxes are NOT robbery, it is not "tax and spend" but "tax and INVEST". And now to pile on top of that the vile vilification of media by Bannon calling them "the opposition party" is EXACTLY the Orwellian Kleptocracy on par with the family rule of dictator Kim Jong Un.
I don't say this lightly or out of paranoia. I say this as a WARNING because we have seen what bullies with money can do and have done. "Capitalism" IS NOT a form of government. Saudi Royal Family owns oil companies and banks and invests in weapons and the global market. Gaddaffi was a billionaire who owned stock in GE. The private sector never completely left, even NAZI Germany, it simply became favored when it did the bidding of the NAZIS and the benefits of that production went to the top of the party loyalists. Much like we now see Trump claiming he will not benefit from his office, although he is filling his cabinet with billionaire party loyalists.
WE ARE seeing a potential rise to fascism and Kleptocracy. NO it is not a prediction that it will end up that way, but the rhetoric IS THERE and the growing anti competition pro monopoly conditions are growing. It is really frightening, beyond the past year of Trump's vile language, to now have him not only vilify media during his run, but also in office and the most frightening comment by Bannon now, referring to journalists as "The opposition party"...... THAT SHOULD scare the shit out of any journalist and the public as well.
I have been screaming this for a year now, Trump is not a left or right issue, he is way beyond our history off political mudslinging, he is a very dangerous demagogue.
The cycle is repeating again. Reagan started the age of deregulation and "right to fuck the worker" union busting. They created a short term false sense of security of cutting the tax rate, deregulated which caused an artificial economy built on national dept. And since then there have been bubbles every decade leading up to our worst recession since the great depression.
I am really fucking sick of the right and the top selling the same old fucking bullshit. It is not real supply and demand, it is a competition at the top for shareholders, and a dick measuring contest between CEOs. It has done nothing but create a very destructive climate globally and only sucks the money up to the top.
And once again, all week I have been hearing how the Stock Market is hitting a record high. SO THE FUCK WHAT! That is like gambling addict being happy the loan shark gave them more money to blow.
The economic history is in, has been for the past 100 years, and it is absolute BULLSHIT that regulations hurt or that it is ok not to hold the CEOs responsible, like Wells Fargo or Goldman Sachs. If any fucking moron thinks this short term high will last, you DON'T KNOW your economic history and are falling for a bullshit utopia that will set us up for a future bubble.
Artificial wealth is WHY we have inequity in global trade. Allowing 62 families and ALL the world's global rich in all nations, friend and foe alike, is DESTRUCTIVE.
Taxes are NOT robbery, it is not "tax and spend" but "tax and INVEST". And now to pile on top of that the vile vilification of media by Bannon calling them "the opposition party" is EXACTLY the Orwellian Kleptocracy on par with the family rule of dictator Kim Jong Un.
I don't say this lightly or out of paranoia. I say this as a WARNING because we have seen what bullies with money can do and have done. "Capitalism" IS NOT a form of government. Saudi Royal Family owns oil companies and banks and invests in weapons and the global market. Gaddaffi was a billionaire who owned stock in GE. The private sector never completely left, even NAZI Germany, it simply became favored when it did the bidding of the NAZIS and the benefits of that production went to the top of the party loyalists. Much like we now see Trump claiming he will not benefit from his office, although he is filling his cabinet with billionaire party loyalists.
WE ARE seeing a potential rise to fascism and Kleptocracy. NO it is not a prediction that it will end up that way, but the rhetoric IS THERE and the growing anti competition pro monopoly conditions are growing. It is really frightening, beyond the past year of Trump's vile language, to now have him not only vilify media during his run, but also in office and the most frightening comment by Bannon now, referring to journalists as "The opposition party"...... THAT SHOULD scare the shit out of any journalist and the public as well.
I have been screaming this for a year now, Trump is not a left or right issue, he is way beyond our history off political mudslinging, he is a very dangerous demagogue.