I'm Bob (or Robert, I don't mind which).
I have pretty much run the gamet when it comes to systems of belief, I was brought up a Christian and I attended an Anglican school until the age of 11. In all honesty I can't say I was ever converted because I don't think there was ever a time when I felt God was real.
As a teenager I visited may places of worship to educate myself and see what they were about. I spent time with various religions and denominations including, Church of jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), Jehova's Witnesses, Catholics, Hindu, Seikh, Muslim and Buddhism.
As a young man I asserted my atheism, then as an older man I have found myself alighting on agnosticism.
I think that questioning things is healthy, and we should never allow ourselves to get bogged down in dogma. I find fundamentalism frustrating, whatever form it takes.
I hope to continue my journey while I am here.
Best wishes,
I'm Bob (or Robert, I don't mind which).
I have pretty much run the gamet when it comes to systems of belief, I was brought up a Christian and I attended an Anglican school until the age of 11. In all honesty I can't say I was ever converted because I don't think there was ever a time when I felt God was real.
As a teenager I visited may places of worship to educate myself and see what they were about. I spent time with various religions and denominations including, Church of jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), Jehova's Witnesses, Catholics, Hindu, Seikh, Muslim and Buddhism.
As a young man I asserted my atheism, then as an older man I have found myself alighting on agnosticism.
I think that questioning things is healthy, and we should never allow ourselves to get bogged down in dogma. I find fundamentalism frustrating, whatever form it takes.
I hope to continue my journey while I am here.
Best wishes,