Luther spent a great deal of time reflecting upon these verses.
Back in the 1970s I came to suspect that the references to Jesus had been interpolated into the text,
Removing Jesus from the text left:
Paul, called to be an apostle having been set apart to the gospel of God, which he promised beforehand through the prophets of Him in the Scriptures Holy. To all those being in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God the Father of us. First indeed, I thank the God of me for all of you, because the faith of you is being proclaimed in all the world.
Now my witness is God, whom I serve in the spirit of me how unceasingly mention of you I make, always upon the prayers of me imploring, if perhaps now at last I will make a prosperous journey by the will of God, to come to you. Now that is to be encouraged together among you through the among one another faith of you both and of me.
Etc ... to the end of the text.
Paul is claiming to have chosen by God to explain the scriptures.
In the late 1990s I discovered that the Greek text of the above had 1000 letters. The word God is used 8 times. In each instance the first letter of the word God, or the first letter of its definite article when it has one, is an even number of letters from the beginning of the text. If the positions of these first letters are totaled and divided by 8 one gets the position of first letter of the Greek word for the Present Moment.
The text is also divided into four fifty one word sections.
Then I had a look at Mark (the Greek text of):
Mark 1, verses 3-5 has 51 words, verses 6-8 has 51 words,verses 9-11 has 52 words ... omit Nazareth, so that the text reads "Jesus came from Galilee" as does Matthew. Things now get complicated as text has been added by an author with a different mindset, in order to alter the story line. The next 51 words cover Jesus' meeting with James and John. Further on where it says he healed Peter's mother-in-law it originally said he healed his OWN mother-in-law.
Peter, the founder of the Catholic Church, was added to the text by someone other than the original author.
There are Gnostic Christian texts that claim that it was Simon of Cyrene on the cross ... it was.
The Gospel of Mark was a play, meant to be performed before an elite audience. Simon of Cyrene was meant to be understood as Simon bar Kokhba, the leader of the 132 ad Jewish revolt against the Romans, who the Jewish High Priest claimed was the Jewish Messiah (a war leader sent by God)
Simon of Cyrene had son named Rufus ... so did Bar Kokhba. Why "of Cyrene"? There was a major revolt of the Jews of Cyrene in 105 ad (The Kitos War).
Mark's gospel started out as a piece of sophisticated political propaganda ... with the story line set a hundred tears earlier.
Back in the 1970s I came to suspect that the references to Jesus had been interpolated into the text,
Removing Jesus from the text left:
Paul, called to be an apostle having been set apart to the gospel of God, which he promised beforehand through the prophets of Him in the Scriptures Holy. To all those being in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God the Father of us. First indeed, I thank the God of me for all of you, because the faith of you is being proclaimed in all the world.
Now my witness is God, whom I serve in the spirit of me how unceasingly mention of you I make, always upon the prayers of me imploring, if perhaps now at last I will make a prosperous journey by the will of God, to come to you. Now that is to be encouraged together among you through the among one another faith of you both and of me.
Etc ... to the end of the text.
Paul is claiming to have chosen by God to explain the scriptures.
In the late 1990s I discovered that the Greek text of the above had 1000 letters. The word God is used 8 times. In each instance the first letter of the word God, or the first letter of its definite article when it has one, is an even number of letters from the beginning of the text. If the positions of these first letters are totaled and divided by 8 one gets the position of first letter of the Greek word for the Present Moment.
The text is also divided into four fifty one word sections.
Then I had a look at Mark (the Greek text of):
Mark 1, verses 3-5 has 51 words, verses 6-8 has 51 words,verses 9-11 has 52 words ... omit Nazareth, so that the text reads "Jesus came from Galilee" as does Matthew. Things now get complicated as text has been added by an author with a different mindset, in order to alter the story line. The next 51 words cover Jesus' meeting with James and John. Further on where it says he healed Peter's mother-in-law it originally said he healed his OWN mother-in-law.
Peter, the founder of the Catholic Church, was added to the text by someone other than the original author.
There are Gnostic Christian texts that claim that it was Simon of Cyrene on the cross ... it was.
The Gospel of Mark was a play, meant to be performed before an elite audience. Simon of Cyrene was meant to be understood as Simon bar Kokhba, the leader of the 132 ad Jewish revolt against the Romans, who the Jewish High Priest claimed was the Jewish Messiah (a war leader sent by God)
Simon of Cyrene had son named Rufus ... so did Bar Kokhba. Why "of Cyrene"? There was a major revolt of the Jews of Cyrene in 105 ad (The Kitos War).
Mark's gospel started out as a piece of sophisticated political propaganda ... with the story line set a hundred tears earlier.