This guys says he knows there's no God!
April 15, 2011 at 5:30 pm
(This post was last modified: April 15, 2011 at 5:30 pm by Musashi.)
There's something I've come across recently that I think you guys would be interested in.
I've been studying the case and so far, I can't find any holes in it.
You guys are the perfect types of people (from what I've read so far on this forum) to rip this into shreads.
Maybe like throwing a chicken into a ring full of starving,rabid dogs?
If it's true, then it's the most amazing thing in the history of everything. If it's false then it seems it just the most amazing fake in the history of everthing.
These are just a tiny amount of the questions it claims to answer:
Is there a God?
Are UFOs real?
What is really going to happen in the year 2012?
The moon landings...
What 911 is about?
What is the true purpose of our life?
How did our universe and our world come into existence?
Where do we come from?
Are Earth's religions false?
What is the true cause of climate change?
What are the Creative Recommendations?
Humanoid lifeforms in the known universe.
Is there an inhabited planet within 5 light-years of Earth?
I'm still trying to get my head round it. Help me out here, what do you guys think?
Some of the evidence is so compelling it makes me shudder.
WARNING ! there is so much info here, endless hours of video and writing, it's kept me up at night so much, it messed up a few work days so far.
Here's the link for the written info.
There is a vidoe called the silent revolution of truth on youtube and a longer version on google video I think.
I'm finding this shit hard to disbelieve but at the same time.... well, I just don't know.
I've been studying the case and so far, I can't find any holes in it.
You guys are the perfect types of people (from what I've read so far on this forum) to rip this into shreads.
Maybe like throwing a chicken into a ring full of starving,rabid dogs?
If it's true, then it's the most amazing thing in the history of everything. If it's false then it seems it just the most amazing fake in the history of everthing.
These are just a tiny amount of the questions it claims to answer:
Is there a God?
Are UFOs real?
What is really going to happen in the year 2012?
The moon landings...
What 911 is about?
What is the true purpose of our life?
How did our universe and our world come into existence?
Where do we come from?
Are Earth's religions false?
What is the true cause of climate change?
What are the Creative Recommendations?
Humanoid lifeforms in the known universe.
Is there an inhabited planet within 5 light-years of Earth?
I'm still trying to get my head round it. Help me out here, what do you guys think?
Some of the evidence is so compelling it makes me shudder.
WARNING ! there is so much info here, endless hours of video and writing, it's kept me up at night so much, it messed up a few work days so far.
Here's the link for the written info.
There is a vidoe called the silent revolution of truth on youtube and a longer version on google video I think.
I'm finding this shit hard to disbelieve but at the same time.... well, I just don't know.