came on here to ask
March 27, 2009 at 1:33 am
(This post was last modified: March 27, 2009 at 1:40 am by Darkstarbic.)
) : bc i live a sheltered existance during my 20's
darkstarbic (04:57:45) : my m8s 48
darkstarbic (04:57:53) : looks 30s
darkstarbic (04:57:58) : early
minirva_664 (04:58:11) : my parents essenscially locked me away for a few years
darkstarbic (04:58:26) : i never have in a way
darkstarbic (04:58:39) : but i look alright for 29 i think lol
minirva_664 (04:58:47) : u know what my day job is dont u?
minirva_664 (04:58:59) : yes i thought u were about 27
darkstarbic (04:59:00) : ye u work in clothes shop
darkstarbic (04:59:04) : or that a lie
minirva_664 (04:59:05) : yep
darkstarbic (04:59:10) : cool
darkstarbic (04:59:23) : i always believe what i hear until told
darkstarbic (04:59:27) : lol
minirva_664 (05:00:02) : no i majored in art history and studio art did alot of theatre in college and minored in museum studies
darkstarbic (05:00:07) : err nah what ui see init, when u know person etc
darkstarbic (05:00:08) : lol
minirva_664 (05:00:20) : i studied costume desighn
darkstarbic (05:00:35) : niceee
darkstarbic (05:00:39) : i went uni
darkstarbic (05:00:45) : studied information systems
minirva_664 (05:00:47) : i was very flamboyant in college and had alot of costumes that id actually wear to class
darkstarbic (05:00:51) : but left halfway
darkstarbic (05:00:59) : coz some shit wasnt for me tbh
minirva_664 (05:01:03) : thats why i have so many funny outfits
minirva_664 (05:01:21) : my past 2 significant boyfriends were kinky
darkstarbic (05:01:26) : although wanted the degree for a job at one time
minirva_664 (05:01:31) : so i have alot of trash gear
minirva_664 (05:01:49) : that keeps the pervy guys eyes stimulated
darkstarbic (05:01:52) : ye u said
darkstarbic (05:01:56) : once
minirva_664 (05:02:03) : but i still dont do anything sexualy graffic
darkstarbic (05:02:03) : u not remember
minirva_664 (05:02:10) : what
darkstarbic (05:02:24) : we talked in orbit one night
minirva_664 (05:02:24) : i own alot of corsets
minirva_664 (05:02:30) : last week
darkstarbic (05:02:33) :
darkstarbic (05:02:36) : do ya
minirva_664 (05:02:48) : i was prob a lil tipsy
minirva_664 (05:03:02) : i told u about my mood disorder
darkstarbic (05:03:04) : excuses
minirva_664 (05:03:05) : im sure
minirva_664 (05:03:15) : dont strt with that dark
darkstarbic (05:03:16) : why explain stuff ur happy with
darkstarbic (05:03:25) : i wont
darkstarbic (05:03:28) : sorry
minirva_664 (05:03:38) : bc im having a rough time
minirva_664 (05:03:45) : and if u says bullshit
minirva_664 (05:03:50) : crap with me
darkstarbic (05:03:50) : lol
minirva_664 (05:03:54) : i wont talk to u
darkstarbic (05:03:57) : so am i
minirva_664 (05:04:04) : u dont know me
darkstarbic (05:04:06) : but i never told anyone
minirva_664 (05:04:08) : personally
darkstarbic (05:04:11) : u dont know me
darkstarbic (05:04:15) : no one does
minirva_664 (05:04:22) : u have adifferent outlok on life than i doand on mental health
darkstarbic (05:04:24) : not even my mother who i live with atm
darkstarbic (05:04:30) : lol
minirva_664 (05:04:45) : i have spent alot of time in hospitals
darkstarbic (05:04:50) : how do u know i have a different outlokk on life
minirva_664 (05:05:09) : i drove my car into a median off the road this summer
darkstarbic (05:05:11) : everythings a cover with me always has been
minirva_664 (05:05:30) : when i go into the subways in nyc
minirva_664 (05:05:50) : i stand on the platform and my inner dialogue says jump
minirva_664 (05:06:20) : my insides are ripping out of me
minirva_664 (05:06:41) : 'i want to scrape my skin off my body sometimes
darkstarbic (05:06:42) : why do you go there
minirva_664 (05:06:49) : for therapy
darkstarbic (05:06:54) : is there not another mode of transport
minirva_664 (05:07:05) : i take a train into nyc
minirva_664 (05:07:16) : then i take the subway up town
darkstarbic (05:07:33) : u believe its therapy obsessing with the same ritual day in day out
minirva_664 (05:07:35) : if im on the street im carless when im walking
darkstarbic (05:07:43) : ur normal
darkstarbic (05:07:58) : u want people to help you
minirva_664 (05:07:58) : right now im so overwhelmed with my finnacila issues
minirva_664 (05:08:14) : lots of people are helping me and i feel pethedic
minirva_664 (05:08:19) : and im sick of it
darkstarbic (05:08:24) : yer
minirva_664 (05:08:27) : ive lost 30 pound this year
darkstarbic (05:08:31) : i feel weak here
minirva_664 (05:08:38) : i had mjor surgury last year
darkstarbic (05:08:38) : moved back and got into gambling
minirva_664 (05:08:49) : 36$ it cost
darkstarbic (05:08:56) : now stuck here for another 2 years paying it off
minirva_664 (05:09:12) : i live in a big townhouse im stuck payin $1700 amonth
darkstarbic (05:09:16) : although not in major debt
darkstarbic (05:09:22) : manageable
darkstarbic (05:09:33) : yer
darkstarbic (05:09:36) : 2 of u
minirva_664 (05:09:45) : my drug bills that are covered by insurance cost $3000 this year
darkstarbic (05:09:45) : u dont like each other
darkstarbic (05:09:48) : she beat yer
darkstarbic (05:09:50) : lol
darkstarbic (05:09:53) : u said once
minirva_664 (05:10:08) : what did i say
darkstarbic (05:10:11) : fuk thats expensive
minirva_664 (05:10:24) : my personal poison
darkstarbic (05:10:32) : stop taking stuff to heart
minirva_664 (05:10:33) : chill pillls
darkstarbic (05:10:35) : i just talk
minirva_664 (05:10:48) : your talk can piss me off
minirva_664 (05:10:56) : i was sexually abused
darkstarbic (05:11:00) : i noticed sorry
minirva_664 (05:11:05) : i have alot of rage
darkstarbic (05:11:10) : so was i
darkstarbic (05:11:20) : and ur 2nd person ive told in my life lol
darkstarbic (05:11:26) : thats funny
minirva_664 (05:11:33) : im still pissed at my ex
darkstarbic (05:11:37) : other was someone else on here
minirva_664 (05:11:44) : well i was molested at 4
darkstarbic (05:11:44) : who doesnt know me
darkstarbic (05:12:03) : ive been in foster care with 4 different families
darkstarbic (05:12:13) : while my mum had a nervous breakdown
minirva_664 (05:12:15) : its prob better that its not talked about much since u r adude
darkstarbic (05:12:23) : coz my dad fucked off when i was 2
minirva_664 (05:12:34) : my mom spent 3 months in a hospital
darkstarbic (05:12:36) : left her in the shit with massive ebts etc
darkstarbic (05:12:44) : put her out ion streets
minirva_664 (05:12:51) : so u have ha d ahard life
darkstarbic (05:12:59) : she got looked after tho
darkstarbic (05:13:02) : eventually
minirva_664 (05:13:08) : sounds like hes a real smuck
darkstarbic (05:13:17) : yer brought up with a nutcase
darkstarbic (05:13:25) : back then
darkstarbic (05:13:28) : shes fine now
darkstarbic (05:13:30) : a proper mum
darkstarbic (05:13:31) :
darkstarbic (05:13:35) : love her to bits
darkstarbic (05:13:42) : but fuk i need my own place
minirva_664 (05:13:45) : my satanic ex boyfriend sexually abused and mutilated me
minirva_664 (05:14:08) : thats what sent me over the edge
darkstarbic (05:14:16) : im gonna say something that'll probably piss u off
darkstarbic (05:14:20) : i hope not
minirva_664 (05:14:22) : im sure
minirva_664 (05:14:26) : im submisive
darkstarbic (05:14:26) : just says im real
minirva_664 (05:14:45) : shoot it out
darkstarbic (05:15:07) : u pick them coz they have that side u dont know
darkstarbic (05:15:24) : and are curious are turned on by it
minirva_664 (05:15:26) : i tend to pick the ones that are dark
minirva_664 (05:15:33) : exactly
minirva_664 (05:15:38) : AND I GET OFF ON IT]
darkstarbic (05:15:40) : i dunno made that up as i went along i ws gonna say something else
minirva_664 (05:15:49) : this fucker was mani like me
darkstarbic (05:15:50) : but went in detail
minirva_664 (05:16:10) : and borderlin personality like me
minirva_664 (05:16:22) : he also like fucking me like me
minirva_664 (05:16:33) : we shared the same dude one night
darkstarbic (05:16:35) : curiosity killed the cat
darkstarbic (05:16:44) : im over cautious
darkstarbic (05:16:51) : always know people
minirva_664 (05:16:55) : i had little boundaries with him
darkstarbic (05:17:04) : before they know themselves sometimes
minirva_664 (05:17:14) : i let him open pandoras box with me
darkstarbic (05:17:31) : yes u wanted to feel real love
minirva_664 (05:17:39) : i was celibate for 9 years then this hot young dude comes along
darkstarbic (05:17:41) : and got a fukload of bullshit back
minirva_664 (05:18:00) : not love just gutter sex and kust
minirva_664 (05:18:17) : i had alot of electricy with him
darkstarbic (05:18:23) : ive had some evil women in my time
darkstarbic (05:18:36) : but rfucked them off before they knew i knew lol
minirva_664 (05:18:38) : and i got into alot of parasuicial behaviors with him
darkstarbic (05:19:21) : my advise stay single till u know everything about a person or believe u do
darkstarbic (05:19:37) : thats the normal way to find someone
darkstarbic (05:19:40) : i guess
darkstarbic (05:19:48) : i like surprise
minirva_664 (05:19:54) : thats why im going to catholic church now
darkstarbic (05:20:06) : i just wanna meet someone who gets me tbh
darkstarbic (05:20:22) : fek knows
darkstarbic (05:21:33) : tbh i cant be arsed with camfrog because i would rather have a social life, but a social life costs a lot these days, and i cant afford it
darkstarbic (05:21:39) : kinda selfish
darkstarbic (05:21:57) : so forgot about it
darkstarbic (05:22:01) : dont really now
darkstarbic (05:23:49) : u religious
darkstarbic (05:24:03) : << brought up roman catholic
darkstarbic (05:24:11) : mum dragged me to church
darkstarbic (05:24:15) : << was an altar boy
darkstarbic (05:24:26) : not religious
darkstarbic (05:24:28) : well am
darkstarbic (05:25:15) : rather choose to believe whats right if there is one and if there isnt then what all this bull shit about
darkstarbic (05:26:32) : i guess thats an athiests kind of view
ONLY reason i signed up was to find out if that was an athiest view ^ and get feedback lol. random thought, so here, added to faves ill check back

the bull referering to a lot of things