...and can atheists preach?
Maybe an opinion stated dogmatically. Talking at someone rather than to them. Maybe making a statement as authoritative rather than open: "I think", or "This is a way of looking at that" or "This is my understanding" rather than "This is [fact]".
If, as is the case with the major religions, questions are asked of the religious texts, then is it permissable for either side to quote the texts in response?
Would it be necessary for a poster to qualify an opinion as based upon their own belief/s, or can that be a given if their position has been established already?
The Hyde Park analogy is interesting. This is a place then, where preaching is limited to the non religious kind. Just like anyone entering a Church, a Mosque, or Temple: speakers are not welcome if they wish to express opinions opposing those of the host community.
Atheist Forums Wrote:Rule 4. No Preaching
To advocate, especially to urge acceptance of or compliance with your own theology, philosophy or point of view is not permitted. If you want to preach, get yourself a soapbox in hyde park and don't do it here. You are welcome to discuss your own beliefs, why you believe them, etc. Just don't expect or demand anyone to agree with them.
dictionary.com Wrote:preach (prch)
v. preached, preach·ing, preach·es
1. To proclaim or put forth in a sermon: preached the gospel.
2. To advocate, especially to urge acceptance of or compliance with: preached tolerance and peaceful coexistence.
3. To deliver (a sermon).
1. To deliver a sermon.
2. To give religious or moral instruction, especially in a tedious manner.
Maybe an opinion stated dogmatically. Talking at someone rather than to them. Maybe making a statement as authoritative rather than open: "I think", or "This is a way of looking at that" or "This is my understanding" rather than "This is [fact]".
If, as is the case with the major religions, questions are asked of the religious texts, then is it permissable for either side to quote the texts in response?
Would it be necessary for a poster to qualify an opinion as based upon their own belief/s, or can that be a given if their position has been established already?
The Hyde Park analogy is interesting. This is a place then, where preaching is limited to the non religious kind. Just like anyone entering a Church, a Mosque, or Temple: speakers are not welcome if they wish to express opinions opposing those of the host community.