Because my father and I can't really talk about our lives in general, we only really communicate successfully when we talk about the general status of the world we live in. Of course, even this can get derailed quickly when he attributes hocus pocus to the various activities and ideologies we enjoy and maintain as humans.
Somehow in our conversation we randomly stumbled across teen pregnancy and abortion which led him into a tangent about why teens get pregnant. He even had a couple of good points about how television shows and music influence young minds to make foolish mistakes. However, he lost me with this one:
Question: How many christians believe this little theory? Ole beelzebub is busy in the sound studios and manipulating musicians minds?? I'm just curious, without having to provide any real statistics, how many christians do you think really buy into this?? Do all/most/some/hardly-any believe this bit of crazy?
Somehow in our conversation we randomly stumbled across teen pregnancy and abortion which led him into a tangent about why teens get pregnant. He even had a couple of good points about how television shows and music influence young minds to make foolish mistakes. However, he lost me with this one:
Quote:"Satan is everywhere and he has infiltrated the media. He is in every secular song and even some quote-on-quote (raised fingers) christian songs. He's using movies and music especially, and has mastered the subtle messages that our young girls are receiving. Lucifer is a deceiver and a liar, and he is the one responsible for the corruption of today's youth."
Question: How many christians believe this little theory? Ole beelzebub is busy in the sound studios and manipulating musicians minds?? I'm just curious, without having to provide any real statistics, how many christians do you think really buy into this?? Do all/most/some/hardly-any believe this bit of crazy?