I've had a terrible last couple of days, and I thought it would be therapeutic to share it with you all.
I have ME (also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) which leaves me very short of physical and mental energy. I've had it for some 8 years now. I've spent a good deal of that time wanting to die. It's only been my promise to my wife that I won't hurt myself that has stopped me from killing myself.
I also have Chron's Disease which has been screwing up my life in lots of different ways for the last 25 years. Dealing with just one of these conditions would be bearable, but both at once is really horrible.
Thanks to an excellent specialist I've recently started seeing, my Chrons has been reasonably under control for the last 3 years or so. But it's now making a comeback. I've developed a very narrow part in my intestine, which seems to slowly get blocked up over time. Once it gets almost completely blocked, my guts go into spasm. After about 8 hours of pain, it normally resolves itself either by forcing itself through or by me being violently sick for an hour or so. Obviously, that is bad enough.
Two days ago, I got the spasms starting again. But this time, they didn't stop after 8 hours. Or 16. They were still going over 24 hours later. I got absolutely no sleep and I felt I was beginning to lose my mind. In the end we decided to get me to A&E, because we've been told these blockages can be potentially life threatening (they can cause a rupture). As it happens, it appeared that after wretching in the car on the way there, the blockage finally passed. But I couldn't be sure, so I continued in to A&E.
Even though the pain was abating, I felt ridiculously uncomfortable waiting there for a doctor to see me. Not just irritable, but actually feeling unstable. I didn't know why. As time passed, the feeling got worse and worse. Eventually, I had what I can only assume is a mental breakdown. I felt like I lost control of myself. I was in extreme mental torment like I'd never felt before. I usually want to die, but now I was begging to die. I begged them to sedate me. The nurse I had at the time was really nasty and treated me like I was "being naughty". She kept telling me to calm down and smile in a condescending way. My wife was trying to calm me down any way she could.
It got worse and worse, and if there had been a cliff for me to jump off, they would have had to restrain me to stop me going over it, even after my promise to my wife. I would have begged her to let me jump off the cliff. I started making incoherent wailing noises, moving around randomly, grabbing onto things... I honestly thought that this is it, I've cracked. I've lost my mind. I'm not coming back. I'm going to spend the rest of my life in a psychiatric ward.
My poor wife went through hell seeing me like this and tried everything she could think of, showing me pictures on her phone of our happy times, and even phoning my mental health support team. This all helped in a small way, but it couldn't bring me back.
After what seemed like hours but my wife tells me was not actually that long, it passed. I got control of myself again. After everyone in the ward who watched must have thought I was insane, I had a perfectly normal, relaxed conversation with the doctor about the condition of my blockage. We agreed it had passed, and I could go home.
This scared the shit out of me. It's hard to say what caused my breakdown. A combination of relentless pain, no sleep, years of suicidal thoughts ready to pounce on any opportunity, being cooped up in a noisy ward and the nurse treating me like a petulant child... It shows how strong my depression is. My therapy has been going great recently, and I appear to have the depression "in check". But this is a clear warning of how strong it is, and how eager it is to jump on any opportunity to take me down. It nearly succeeded. I wanted to run from the hospital, and I probably would have run into a road to try and get run over.
I hope with all my heart this never happens again. It was the worst experience of my life. It feels like a horrid nightmare now, but also shockingly real. I appear to have regained control since then, and haven't come close to losing it.
Thank you very much for reading
I have ME (also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) which leaves me very short of physical and mental energy. I've had it for some 8 years now. I've spent a good deal of that time wanting to die. It's only been my promise to my wife that I won't hurt myself that has stopped me from killing myself.
I also have Chron's Disease which has been screwing up my life in lots of different ways for the last 25 years. Dealing with just one of these conditions would be bearable, but both at once is really horrible.
Thanks to an excellent specialist I've recently started seeing, my Chrons has been reasonably under control for the last 3 years or so. But it's now making a comeback. I've developed a very narrow part in my intestine, which seems to slowly get blocked up over time. Once it gets almost completely blocked, my guts go into spasm. After about 8 hours of pain, it normally resolves itself either by forcing itself through or by me being violently sick for an hour or so. Obviously, that is bad enough.
Two days ago, I got the spasms starting again. But this time, they didn't stop after 8 hours. Or 16. They were still going over 24 hours later. I got absolutely no sleep and I felt I was beginning to lose my mind. In the end we decided to get me to A&E, because we've been told these blockages can be potentially life threatening (they can cause a rupture). As it happens, it appeared that after wretching in the car on the way there, the blockage finally passed. But I couldn't be sure, so I continued in to A&E.
Even though the pain was abating, I felt ridiculously uncomfortable waiting there for a doctor to see me. Not just irritable, but actually feeling unstable. I didn't know why. As time passed, the feeling got worse and worse. Eventually, I had what I can only assume is a mental breakdown. I felt like I lost control of myself. I was in extreme mental torment like I'd never felt before. I usually want to die, but now I was begging to die. I begged them to sedate me. The nurse I had at the time was really nasty and treated me like I was "being naughty". She kept telling me to calm down and smile in a condescending way. My wife was trying to calm me down any way she could.
It got worse and worse, and if there had been a cliff for me to jump off, they would have had to restrain me to stop me going over it, even after my promise to my wife. I would have begged her to let me jump off the cliff. I started making incoherent wailing noises, moving around randomly, grabbing onto things... I honestly thought that this is it, I've cracked. I've lost my mind. I'm not coming back. I'm going to spend the rest of my life in a psychiatric ward.
My poor wife went through hell seeing me like this and tried everything she could think of, showing me pictures on her phone of our happy times, and even phoning my mental health support team. This all helped in a small way, but it couldn't bring me back.
After what seemed like hours but my wife tells me was not actually that long, it passed. I got control of myself again. After everyone in the ward who watched must have thought I was insane, I had a perfectly normal, relaxed conversation with the doctor about the condition of my blockage. We agreed it had passed, and I could go home.
This scared the shit out of me. It's hard to say what caused my breakdown. A combination of relentless pain, no sleep, years of suicidal thoughts ready to pounce on any opportunity, being cooped up in a noisy ward and the nurse treating me like a petulant child... It shows how strong my depression is. My therapy has been going great recently, and I appear to have the depression "in check". But this is a clear warning of how strong it is, and how eager it is to jump on any opportunity to take me down. It nearly succeeded. I wanted to run from the hospital, and I probably would have run into a road to try and get run over.
I hope with all my heart this never happens again. It was the worst experience of my life. It feels like a horrid nightmare now, but also shockingly real. I appear to have regained control since then, and haven't come close to losing it.
Thank you very much for reading

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