I am really getting tired of BOTH Muslims and Christians, and Jews for that matter, taking events like this to sell more fear.
Those in the west, especially Christians and Jews say "SEE SEE SEE"......
Muslims say "Well if you would just leave us alone"......
Nobody is getting this, and I am really getting tired of all three missing the fucking point.
When people point to events like this and say "It is religiously justified violence" I FUCKING AGREE! Nobody is or should ignore that. OK, so please knock it off!
Most certainly the Quran/Koran Hadiths, contain words and ideas that justify religiously based violence. I FUCKING AGREE!
But no, sorry, that does not justify fearing everyone because of other dicks.
Nor does that justify ignoring the religiously justified tribalism of Christianity and Jews. These assholes also forget that their books contain words that ALSO justify tribalism. The west is not squeaky clean in all this. I am tired of that bullshit being ignored.
Humans are not born with a religious tramp stamp on their asses. ADULTS teach that fear of the other.
I only agree that compared to the west, the east is far worse off as far as too much religion infecting politics. That does not excuse using fear ourselves. RELIGION, ALL THREE, the stupid fucking idea that on a planet of 7 billion there is such a thing as a "chosen people".
Fear sells. Islam sells it of the west, but we also sell it of the East. NO MORE. If any one religion were a cure, and all three claim to be peaceful, then why has there never been peace? Because you cannot have that based on social pecking orders and all three have their claims of " I am more special than you", and at best will tolerate the other as a pet or house guest.
NOBODY NOBODY NOBODY, not Muslims not Jews not Christians, nobody is going anywhere. But more fear is not going to solve shit. I will not play into that crap. Far too many humans still need to learn the difference between bad ideas that lead to justifications for violence. But to say there are no justifications in Christianity or Jewish, for harming others, is still flat out absurd.
The only difference between the west and east is that religion is more civil because of common law.
Fear does not solve anything. Fear only produces more fear and that produces the perpetuation of more human divisions. I only fear bad ideas and only fear humans who refuse to see others as individuals. I will never fear ANY human who rejects violence, and accepts we are the same species.
I'm sorry Christians and Jews and Muslims, but there was NO religion 200,000 years ago. But the west is just as responsible in all this because they refuse to see that WE ARE better off because of common law, but stupidly we allow our own religious bigotry forgetting that common law is what makes us civil, not religion itself.
FUCK FEAR! FUCK BIGOTRY! Fuck the idea of a "chosen people". All 7 billion of us are STILL the same species.
Nobody is getting off this planet. OK, so learn to attack the idea, the words, and not the individual. I refuse to assume guilt because of other dicks.
You all fucking do it, and you all claim it is justified. You think you are different, but you are not. The only difference is the west has had a longer secular leash.
Christian Tea party bigotry, is just as religious based. Jews starting fights to justify expansion, is just as religious based. There is no difference other than we water down our bullshit and hide behind our bullshit. If we want MORE worldwide peace, then selling the same bullshit fear to combat their fear, is not a solution!
Political Islam IS at war with the world. But that DOES NOT negate that the stupid idea of a "chosen people" is the root cause that keeps all three divided.
Those in the west, especially Christians and Jews say "SEE SEE SEE"......
Muslims say "Well if you would just leave us alone"......
Nobody is getting this, and I am really getting tired of all three missing the fucking point.
When people point to events like this and say "It is religiously justified violence" I FUCKING AGREE! Nobody is or should ignore that. OK, so please knock it off!
Most certainly the Quran/Koran Hadiths, contain words and ideas that justify religiously based violence. I FUCKING AGREE!
But no, sorry, that does not justify fearing everyone because of other dicks.
Nor does that justify ignoring the religiously justified tribalism of Christianity and Jews. These assholes also forget that their books contain words that ALSO justify tribalism. The west is not squeaky clean in all this. I am tired of that bullshit being ignored.
Humans are not born with a religious tramp stamp on their asses. ADULTS teach that fear of the other.
I only agree that compared to the west, the east is far worse off as far as too much religion infecting politics. That does not excuse using fear ourselves. RELIGION, ALL THREE, the stupid fucking idea that on a planet of 7 billion there is such a thing as a "chosen people".
Fear sells. Islam sells it of the west, but we also sell it of the East. NO MORE. If any one religion were a cure, and all three claim to be peaceful, then why has there never been peace? Because you cannot have that based on social pecking orders and all three have their claims of " I am more special than you", and at best will tolerate the other as a pet or house guest.
NOBODY NOBODY NOBODY, not Muslims not Jews not Christians, nobody is going anywhere. But more fear is not going to solve shit. I will not play into that crap. Far too many humans still need to learn the difference between bad ideas that lead to justifications for violence. But to say there are no justifications in Christianity or Jewish, for harming others, is still flat out absurd.
The only difference between the west and east is that religion is more civil because of common law.
Fear does not solve anything. Fear only produces more fear and that produces the perpetuation of more human divisions. I only fear bad ideas and only fear humans who refuse to see others as individuals. I will never fear ANY human who rejects violence, and accepts we are the same species.
I'm sorry Christians and Jews and Muslims, but there was NO religion 200,000 years ago. But the west is just as responsible in all this because they refuse to see that WE ARE better off because of common law, but stupidly we allow our own religious bigotry forgetting that common law is what makes us civil, not religion itself.
FUCK FEAR! FUCK BIGOTRY! Fuck the idea of a "chosen people". All 7 billion of us are STILL the same species.
Nobody is getting off this planet. OK, so learn to attack the idea, the words, and not the individual. I refuse to assume guilt because of other dicks.
You all fucking do it, and you all claim it is justified. You think you are different, but you are not. The only difference is the west has had a longer secular leash.
Christian Tea party bigotry, is just as religious based. Jews starting fights to justify expansion, is just as religious based. There is no difference other than we water down our bullshit and hide behind our bullshit. If we want MORE worldwide peace, then selling the same bullshit fear to combat their fear, is not a solution!
Political Islam IS at war with the world. But that DOES NOT negate that the stupid idea of a "chosen people" is the root cause that keeps all three divided.