I wanted to write about the current state of Islam; and what led to it through the past.
It's a repeated topic; told in different fashions, with utter inclinations towards certain beliefs and cults; more than I can imagine, but Muslims very a lot in terms of faith, an eye used to contradiction would just see fighting sects waiting for the next chaos to come and allow them to slaughter.
As on cult fights the other, treason happen, nationalism fails miserably, the Sykes-Picot agreement is an example, a more recent and obvious one is the Iraq war.
To understand the Muslim faith, we need to look at the following concepts carefully:
+The Quran: heavenly word of God, revealed to humans through Prophet Mohammed in Arabic Language.
+The Hadith: the documentation of Prophet Mohammed's life after the revelation.
Through these 2, Islam is foretold.
+I : I believe in the Quran only. I take whatever is inside the book, and neglect whatever is outside. I use evidence from inside the book itself.
+Sunni Muslims: They believe in certain narratorsof Hadith and believe in both Quran and Hadith written by the trusted writers
+Shiite Muslims: They believe in certain narrators of Hadith; and believe in both Quran and Hadith written by the trusted writers
Through Islamic history, bloody wars took place where Sunni, Shiite and other Muslim sects fought to the death, the Crusades for example used this weakness; the Ottoman empire fell due to the same weakness.
The Middle East might be a turmoil, but it's not the mere conspiracies of outer nations; the hearts of many Muslims are sick.
Hungry for ancient blood, instead of facing today's reality.