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DNA Proves Existence of a Designer
RE: DNA Proves Existence of a Designer
Ezekiel 26: 1-21 prophecies that Tyre will be destroyed by the king of Babylon and never be rebuilt, but after a 13-year siege Tyre surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar's authority and was not destroyed. It was razed by Alexander a couple of hundred years later, but was rebuilt and still exists today.

Isaiah 19:18 prophesies that the Egyptians will wind up speaking Canaanite, which never happened and Canaanite is now a dead language.

There's two failed prophecies off the top of my head.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.
RE: DNA Proves Existence of a Designer
Why is this theist proselytizing his particular religious beliefs in a science subforum?
RE: DNA Proves Existence of a Designer
(June 18, 2018 at 12:58 pm)CDF47 Wrote: Not trolling.  Just discussing one of my favorite topics.  Not trying to mess with you either, just hoping you look at the evidence and proof I provided.

Unfortunately, you haven't provided anything of the sort. Nope, you haven't. Nope.
RE: DNA Proves Existence of a Designer
(June 18, 2018 at 5:55 pm)sdelsolray Wrote: Why is this theist proselytizing his particular religious beliefs in a science subforum?

Because, apparently, "science proves my particular belief system, just read my holy book!"

As we've heard from so many theists of different belief systems...

Playing Cluedo with my mum while I was at Uni:

"You did WHAT?  With WHO?  WHERE???"
RE: DNA Proves Existence of a Designer
(June 18, 2018 at 6:04 pm)The Valkyrie Wrote:
(June 18, 2018 at 5:55 pm)sdelsolray Wrote: Why is this theist proselytizing his particular religious beliefs in a science subforum?

Because, apparently, "science proves my particular belief system, just read my holy book!"

As we've heard from so many theists of different belief systems...

That's all well and fine, but this one is not discussing science or providing any evidence which supports his particular religious belief system.  Nothing.  Nada.

Indeed, he has yet to provide a scientific hypothesis to investigate his religious claims.

Why is such blatant mere religious propaganda allowed in a science subform?
RE: DNA Proves Existence of a Designer
(June 18, 2018 at 6:21 pm)sdelsolray Wrote: That's all well and fine, but this one is not discussing science or providing any evidence which supports his particular religious belief system.  Nothing.  Nada.

Indeed, he has yet to provide a scientific hypothesis to investigate his religious claims.

Why is such blatant mere religious propaganda allowed in a science subform?

I've learned not to question those who wield ban-hammers, which is why I never report anything anymore, which is why now I just go with the flow and enjoy the fools certain theists make of themselves.
RE: DNA Proves Existence of a Designer
(June 18, 2018 at 2:45 pm)The Gentleman Bastard Wrote:
(June 18, 2018 at 1:26 pm)Wololo Wrote: He's obviously incapable of obgaining gainful employment.

I'm sure he has a nice cozy place in mom's basement, though.

Not quite.  I've been a home owner for 14 years and was in an apartment for 2 years before that.  I moved out of state at the age of 23.

(June 18, 2018 at 3:23 pm)Astreja Wrote:
(June 18, 2018 at 12:26 pm)CDF47 Wrote: There is a lot of symbolism too in many of the prophesies; like in the Book of Daniel and Revelation.

Uh -- That isn't a prophesy.  That's symbolism.  If you're going to play silly buggers with language, I might as well do it too.

I hereby declare that "heaven" and "hell" are symbolic for "crumpets" and "mechanical pencil" respectively, and "salvation" actually means "change the oil in thy car regularly, lest ye suffer a mechanical breakdown and be stranded on the Interstate in a raging snowstorm."

The symbols are defined in the Bible itself.  Below are a list of the symbols and their references in the Bible:

The LORD Exists: http://www.godandscience.org/
Intelligent Design (Short Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVkdQhNdzHU
Intelligent Design (Longer Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzj8iXiVDT8
RE: DNA Proves Existence of a Designer
How is that even possible?  We all know that no matter how many small steps you take, you can never change your state.
I am the Infantry. I am my country’s strength in war, her deterrent in peace. I am the heart of the fight… wherever, whenever. I carry America’s faith and honor against her enemies. I am the Queen of Battle. I am what my country expects me to be, the best trained Soldier in the world. In the race for victory, I am swift, determined, and courageous, armed with a fierce will to win. Never will I fail my country’s trust. Always I fight on…through the foe, to the objective, to triumph overall. If necessary, I will fight to my death. By my steadfast courage, I have won more than 200 years of freedom. I yield not to weakness, to hunger, to cowardice, to fatigue, to superior odds, For I am mentally tough, physically strong, and morally straight. I forsake not, my country, my mission, my comrades, my sacred duty. I am relentless. I am always there, now and forever. I AM THE INFANTRY! FOLLOW ME!
RE: DNA Proves Existence of a Designer
(June 18, 2018 at 3:49 pm)Mister Agenda Wrote: Ezekiel 26: 1-21 prophecies that Tyre will be destroyed by the king of Babylon and never be rebuilt, but after a 13-year siege Tyre surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar's authority and was not destroyed. It was razed by Alexander a couple of hundred years later, but was rebuilt and still exists today.

Isaiah 19:18 prophesies that the Egyptians will wind up speaking Canaanite, which never happened and Canaanite is now a dead language.

There's two failed prophecies off the top of my head.

In Ezekiel 26:4, the prophet said the buildings of Tyre would be ripped down and that the rubble would be scraped away. This might have happened in two stages. The Babylonians destroyed the mainland of Tyre during an attack that ended in 573 BC. Then, Alexander the Great attacked the island of Tyre in 333-332 BC. It is believed that Alexander's army scraped the rubble from the mainland and tossed it into the sea, building a land bridge to the island to conquer it. The prophecy may have been fulfilled in another way: During the centuries after Alexander's conquest of Tyre, the Greeks, Romans, Crusaders and Arabs came to the area of Tyre and put up their own buildings on or near the site of the original Phoenician Tyre. In doing this, the workers would have had to remove rubble from the original Phoenician Tyre.


Verses 18-22. - THE TURNING OF EGYPT TO JEHOVAH. The chastisement of the Egyptians shall be followed, after a while, by a great change. Influences from Canaan shall penetrate Egypt (ver. 18), an altar shall be raised in her midst to Jehovah (ver. 19), and she herself shall cry to him for succor (ver. 20) and be delivered (ver. 20). Egypt shall even become a part of Jehovah's kingdom, shall "know him," and serve him with sacrifice and oblation (ver. 21), and perform her vows to Jehovah, and have her supplications heard by him, and be converted and healed (ver. 22). Verse 18. - In that day. Not really the day of vengeance, but that which, in the prophet's mind, is most closely connected with it - the day of restitution - whereof he has spoken perpetually (Isaiah 1:25-27Isaiah 2:2-4Isaiah 4:2-6Isaiah 6:13, etc.). The two are parts of one scheme of things, and belong in the prophet's mind to one time. Shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan. It is quite true, as Mr. Cheyne remarks, that the Eastern Delta was from a very early date continually more and more Semitized by an influx of settlers from Palestine, and that Egyptian literature bears strong marks of this linguistic influence. But this is scarcely what the prophet intends to speak about. He is not interested in philology. What he means is that there will be an appreciable influx into Egypt of Palestinian ideas, thoughts, and sentiments. "Five" is probably used as a "round" number. The first manifest fulfillment of the prophecy was at the foundation of Alexandria, when the Jews were encouraged to become settlers by the concession of important privileges (Josephus, 'Contr. Ap.,' 2:4), and where they ultimately became the predominant element in the population, amounting, according to Philo ('In Flaec.,' § 6), to nearly a million souls. The next great Palestinian influx was under Ptolemy YI. (Philometor), when Onias fled from Palestine with a number of his partisans, and obtained permission to erect a Jewish temple near Heliopelis. The site of this temple is probably marked by the ruins at Tel-el-Yahoudeh ('Quarterly Statement' of Palest. Expl. Fund for July, 1880, pp. 137-139). It seems to have been a center to a number of Jewish communities in the neighborhood. In this double way Jehovah became known to Egypt before Christianity. A Christian Church was early established in Alexandria, possibly by St. Mark. Swear to the Lord of hostsi.e."swear fidelity to him." One shall be called, The city of destruction. Some manuscripts read 'Ir-ha-Kheres, "City of the Sun," for 'Ir-ha-heres, "City of Destruction," in which case the reference would be plainly to Heliopelis, which was in the immediate neighborhood of Tel-el-Yahoudeh, and which in the Ptolemaic period may well have fallen under Jewish influence. Even if 'Ir-ha-heresstand as the true reading, the name may still have been given with allusion to Heliopolis, the prophet intending to say, "That city which was known as the City of the Sun-God shall become known as the City of Destruction of the Sun-God and of idolatrous worship generally." That Heliopolis did actually fall under Jewish influence in the Ptolemaic period appears from a remarkable passage of Polyhistor, who says of the Exodus and the passage of the Red Sea, "The Memphites say that Moses, being well acquainted with the district, watched the ebb of the tide, and so led the people across the dry bed of the sea; but they of Heliopolis affirm that the king, at the head of a vast force, and having the sacred animals also with him, pursued after the Jews, because they were carrying away with them the riches which they had borrowed from the Egyptians. Then, "they say," the voice of God commanded Moses to smite the sea with his rod, and divide it; and Moses, when he heard, touched the water with it, and so the sea parted asunder, and the host marched through on dry ground." Such an account of the Exodus would scarcely have been given by Egyptians unless they were three parts Hebraized.


(June 18, 2018 at 5:55 pm)sdelsolray Wrote: Why is this theist proselytizing his particular religious beliefs in a science subforum?

I am being asked religious questions and religious comments are being made to me.  ID has religious implications which is why this occurs.
The LORD Exists: http://www.godandscience.org/
Intelligent Design (Short Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVkdQhNdzHU
Intelligent Design (Longer Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzj8iXiVDT8
RE: DNA Proves Existence of a Designer
(June 18, 2018 at 8:11 pm)CDF47 Wrote: n Ezekiel 26:7-9, the prophet said in 590 BC that Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar would destroy the mainland of Tyre. Four years later, the Babylonians began a 13-year siege of Tyre. It lasted from 586 BC to 573 BC. (Alexander the Great later destroyed the island portion of Tyre, in 332 BC).

Verses 18-22. - THE TURNING OF EGYPT TO JEHOVAH. The chastisement of the Egyptians shall be followed, after a while, by a great change. Influences from Canaan shall penetrate Egypt (ver. 18), an altar shall be raised in her midst to Jehovah (ver. 19), and she herself shall cry to him for succor (ver. 20) and be delivered (ver. 20). Egypt shall even become a part of Jehovah's kingdom, shall "know him," and serve him with sacrifice and oblation (ver. 21), and perform her vows to Jehovah, and have her supplications heard by him, and be converted and healed (ver. 22). Verse 18. - In that day. Not really the day of vengeance, but that which, in the prophet's mind, is most closely connected with it - the day of restitution - whereof he has spoken perpetually (Isaiah 1:25-27Isaiah 2:2-4Isaiah 4:2-6Isaiah 6:13, etc.). The two are parts of one scheme of things, and belong in the prophet's mind to one time. Shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan. It is quite true, as Mr. Cheyne remarks, that the Eastern Delta was from a very early date continually more and more Semitized by an influx of settlers from Palestine, and that Egyptian literature bears strong marks of this linguistic influence. But this is scarcely what the prophet intends to speak about. He is not interested in philology. What he means is that there will be an appreciable influx into Egypt of Palestinian ideas, thoughts, and sentiments. "Five" is probably used as a "round" number. The first manifest fulfillment of the prophecy was at the foundation of Alexandria, when the Jews were encouraged to become settlers by the concession of important privileges (Josephus, 'Contr. Ap.,' 2:4), and where they ultimately became the predominant element in the population, amounting, according to Philo ('In Flaec.,' § 6), to nearly a million souls. The next great Palestinian influx was under Ptolemy YI. (Philometor), when Onias fled from Palestine with a number of his partisans, and obtained permission to erect a Jewish temple near Heliopelis. The site of this temple is probably marked by the ruins at Tel-el-Yahoudeh ('Quarterly Statement' of Palest. Expl. Fund for July, 1880, pp. 137-139). It seems to have been a center to a number of Jewish communities in the neighborhood. In this double way Jehovah became known to Egypt before Christianity. A Christian Church was early established in Alexandria, possibly by St. Mark. Swear to the Lord of hostsi.e."swear fidelity to him." One shall be called, The city of destruction. Some manuscripts read 'Ir-ha-Kheres, "City of the Sun," for 'Ir-ha-heres, "City of Destruction," in which case the reference would be plainly to Heliopelis, which was in the immediate neighborhood of Tel-el-Yahoudeh, and which in the Ptolemaic period may well have fallen under Jewish influence. Even if 'Ir-ha-heresstand as the true reading, the name may still have been given with allusion to Heliopolis, the prophet intending to say, "That city which was known as the City of the Sun-God shall become known as the City of Destruction of the Sun-God and of idolatrous worship generally." That Heliopolis did actually fall under Jewish influence in the Ptolemaic period appears from a remarkable passage of Polyhistor, who says of the Exodus and the passage of the Red Sea, "The Memphites say that Moses, being well acquainted with the district, watched the ebb of the tide, and so led the people across the dry bed of the sea; but they of Heliopolis affirm that the king, at the head of a vast force, and having the sacred animals also with him, pursued after the Jews, because they were carrying away with them the riches which they had borrowed from the Egyptians. Then, "they say," the voice of God commanded Moses to smite the sea with his rod, and divide it; and Moses, when he heard, touched the water with it, and so the sea parted asunder, and the host marched through on dry ground." Such an account of the Exodus would scarcely have been given by Egyptians unless they were three parts Hebraized.

Reported for plagiarism.  This is the second time.

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