Some thoughts I felt compelled to share with anyone willing to listen,
September 14, 2018 at 6:54 pm
Dear Sentient Being willing to read the following,
if you'll grant me a moment of your precious time, I am compelled to share with you a thought that has been gnawing away at my mind for the better half of my life.
With every fiber of my being do I believe that it is high time for the silent majorities of this world to step forward and begin pointing out truths however unpleasant they may be to be made aware of.
The time has come to stop patting ourselves on our collectiv(ist) backs with self-serving platitudes and at the very least begin pointing out the worst sides of our nature. The better the lighting, the easier the source of an issue can be determined and brought under control where it belongs. It is time to stop remaining silent, as if guilt-stricken for some known reason. "Speak softly and carry a big stick" is a sentiment I find myself subscribing to rather ubiquitously these days. The Ears have Walls don't you know..?
Using easily recognizable signs and communication to hold certain creature's noses into the mess of their own making until they comprehend this sort of attitude will no longer be tolerated here. Surely you have housebroken pets before and you know full well what I'm talking about. The combination of tar an feathers never ceases to worm its way into mind...
There is a time and place for everything. If you plan on becoming patient 0 of a brand-spanking-new and particularly virulent form of plague by routinely filling the basement of our building with any all sorts of the most revolting waste the food industry can summon from our nightmares, perhaps a civilized neighborhood is not the right place for you or your ilk: your welcome among us is lessening with each inconsiderate act we witness.
Please bear in mind: many of you are guests we welcomed with open arms, only to find you voiding your bowels on the accomplishments of our culture, our ancestors... Quite literally spitting on the graves of your host's ancestors... In what human society is such behavior encouraged or even tolerated, pray tell..?
The German State lacking the ability and/or will to enforce the standards of civilized surroundings we grew up with and got used to, leaving the remaining locals to fend for ourselves and make their own justice, I shall at the very least do my very best to make as many people as possible aware of the issue; by repeatedly declaring the basement area a Bio-hazard zone signposting accordingly until the sorely needed lesson sinks-in or I run out of money for paper and ink... This is after all the Age of Information.
The light of truth remains our most formidable weapon against chaos! So in remembrance, reverence and respect of all the sacrifices we have had to make to get where we now are... For humanity's sake, let us focus the searchlights of our considerable combined intellects on our faults in order to better ourselves as a species, not to merely lose ourselves in the ultimately futile pursuit of passing fancies.
For the future of our what yet remains of our (admittedly somewhat decadent) civilization! Perfection may forever dwell in realms inaccessible to us, but the pursuit alone is worth striving for. The pursuit of something as eternal as perfection makes us all but immortal our very selves! Who doesn't a enjoy a good game of chase? Stand up for your right to reason and sentience! Let us not unnecessarily dwell upon uncertainties regarding trifles such as religious, sexual, racial, whatever difference/preference you chose to get your panties in a knot over this time around... Pick one and let's power through it ensemble! There's still much more work to do and crucial matters jonesing for our attention. Let us not fade silently into the void as yet another evolutionary cul-de-sac...
There is no such thing as Heaven, Hell, Paradise or any other similar holy vegetable patch (I can think of an exception right there actualy... A rather Entish place I hear rumors of when then silence of the summer evenings take hold and the river is but a whisper...) but the one we create ourselves. Here. Now. Reap what you sow and give thanks and praise to the truly almighty and ubiquitous cosmos that will always ensure a state of balance until time folds back in upon itself. For what content may ever surpass its container..? If an entity such god exists, then it exists within the cosmos and is as subject to its laws and whims as are we. So I've recently taken up the habit of thanking the cosmos whenever I notice a positive change. I fold my hands as if in prayer and chant: "Arigato Gosaimasu Ushüu-sama!". As the air we breathe, the water we drink, the environment and all other earthly resources we all share a fear, respect and deeply rooted curiosity for the inevitable end of our lives and what may or may not follow thereafter...
Should these many common traits and desires not represent sufficient grounds for us all to coexist and cooperate with the shared intention to improve all of our lives, we do not deserve to colonize the stars as a species. We fight over the few remaining earthly resources like starving animals we used to (rightfully) consider ourselves so superior to. Please. Break the silence. In order to evolve, we must work as an organism to fight the cancer of political correctness, superstitions, redundant notions of equality. We are not all of us the same and give thanks and praise to cosmos for that as well! Keep it constructive and there is no end to what we can accomplish.
Thank you for your patient attention,
if you'll grant me a moment of your precious time, I am compelled to share with you a thought that has been gnawing away at my mind for the better half of my life.
With every fiber of my being do I believe that it is high time for the silent majorities of this world to step forward and begin pointing out truths however unpleasant they may be to be made aware of.
The time has come to stop patting ourselves on our collectiv(ist) backs with self-serving platitudes and at the very least begin pointing out the worst sides of our nature. The better the lighting, the easier the source of an issue can be determined and brought under control where it belongs. It is time to stop remaining silent, as if guilt-stricken for some known reason. "Speak softly and carry a big stick" is a sentiment I find myself subscribing to rather ubiquitously these days. The Ears have Walls don't you know..?
Using easily recognizable signs and communication to hold certain creature's noses into the mess of their own making until they comprehend this sort of attitude will no longer be tolerated here. Surely you have housebroken pets before and you know full well what I'm talking about. The combination of tar an feathers never ceases to worm its way into mind...
There is a time and place for everything. If you plan on becoming patient 0 of a brand-spanking-new and particularly virulent form of plague by routinely filling the basement of our building with any all sorts of the most revolting waste the food industry can summon from our nightmares, perhaps a civilized neighborhood is not the right place for you or your ilk: your welcome among us is lessening with each inconsiderate act we witness.
Please bear in mind: many of you are guests we welcomed with open arms, only to find you voiding your bowels on the accomplishments of our culture, our ancestors... Quite literally spitting on the graves of your host's ancestors... In what human society is such behavior encouraged or even tolerated, pray tell..?
The German State lacking the ability and/or will to enforce the standards of civilized surroundings we grew up with and got used to, leaving the remaining locals to fend for ourselves and make their own justice, I shall at the very least do my very best to make as many people as possible aware of the issue; by repeatedly declaring the basement area a Bio-hazard zone signposting accordingly until the sorely needed lesson sinks-in or I run out of money for paper and ink... This is after all the Age of Information.
The light of truth remains our most formidable weapon against chaos! So in remembrance, reverence and respect of all the sacrifices we have had to make to get where we now are... For humanity's sake, let us focus the searchlights of our considerable combined intellects on our faults in order to better ourselves as a species, not to merely lose ourselves in the ultimately futile pursuit of passing fancies.
For the future of our what yet remains of our (admittedly somewhat decadent) civilization! Perfection may forever dwell in realms inaccessible to us, but the pursuit alone is worth striving for. The pursuit of something as eternal as perfection makes us all but immortal our very selves! Who doesn't a enjoy a good game of chase? Stand up for your right to reason and sentience! Let us not unnecessarily dwell upon uncertainties regarding trifles such as religious, sexual, racial, whatever difference/preference you chose to get your panties in a knot over this time around... Pick one and let's power through it ensemble! There's still much more work to do and crucial matters jonesing for our attention. Let us not fade silently into the void as yet another evolutionary cul-de-sac...
There is no such thing as Heaven, Hell, Paradise or any other similar holy vegetable patch (I can think of an exception right there actualy... A rather Entish place I hear rumors of when then silence of the summer evenings take hold and the river is but a whisper...) but the one we create ourselves. Here. Now. Reap what you sow and give thanks and praise to the truly almighty and ubiquitous cosmos that will always ensure a state of balance until time folds back in upon itself. For what content may ever surpass its container..? If an entity such god exists, then it exists within the cosmos and is as subject to its laws and whims as are we. So I've recently taken up the habit of thanking the cosmos whenever I notice a positive change. I fold my hands as if in prayer and chant: "Arigato Gosaimasu Ushüu-sama!". As the air we breathe, the water we drink, the environment and all other earthly resources we all share a fear, respect and deeply rooted curiosity for the inevitable end of our lives and what may or may not follow thereafter...
Should these many common traits and desires not represent sufficient grounds for us all to coexist and cooperate with the shared intention to improve all of our lives, we do not deserve to colonize the stars as a species. We fight over the few remaining earthly resources like starving animals we used to (rightfully) consider ourselves so superior to. Please. Break the silence. In order to evolve, we must work as an organism to fight the cancer of political correctness, superstitions, redundant notions of equality. We are not all of us the same and give thanks and praise to cosmos for that as well! Keep it constructive and there is no end to what we can accomplish.
Thank you for your patient attention,